new dead

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Mellody woke up early and was seated by Lori as the woman did her laundry. Beth had let her borrow a book about animals, and she was currently at the reptile part.

"Did you know alligators live about as long as humans and on average 70 years, but can be 100 years old?" she said, flipping through the pages. She was fascinated by the fact that these giant creatures could live so long!

"I did not know that" Lori replied, smiling as she folded a blue shirt.
Mellody looked up from her book briefly and saw that Glen and Maggie were returning. She smiled, noting the tension in Maggie's expression, but deciding to ignore it for the moment.

"Hey, Maggie and Glen are back!" she shared excitedly. As the couple neared, Maggie promptly closed the gate behind them with a loud slam. Glen had a worried look on his face, following Maggie through the gate.

"Hey!" Maggie yelled, catching Lori off guard. She looked over, surprised by the sudden outburst.

Mellody watched the interaction curiously as Maggie kept a real angry face.

"We got your stuff," Maggie continued angrily, presenting a paper bag to Lori.
Glen stepped in, attempting to defuse the situation. "Maggie, hang on please." Maggie continued walking away from him, not taking her gaze off Lori for a split second.

"Come on in here," Lori gestured to the tent, her voice remaining calm despite Maggie's outburst.
Maggie stayed put, refusing to cooperate.
"We've got your special delivery right here," she yelled, digging in the paper bag and pulling out various items.
"We've got your lotion, got your conditioner, your soap opera digest," she added, tossing the items onto the ground.
"Maggie," Lori murmured softly, trying to diffuse the situation.

"Next time, you want something, get it your own damn self. We're not your errand boys," Maggie snapped, still holding onto her anger but no longer yelling.

"Hon," Lori began but was interrupted by Maggie, who continued speaking without pause.

"And here's your abortion pills," Maggie yelled, throwing a pill bottle at Lori.
Lori hastily gathered the items to her chest, a look of shock on her face.
Mellody stared at the pill package, confused by what she was witnessing.

Glen quickly gave Lori an apologetic look and went after Maggie.

"You're pregnant?" Archie asked, instantly capturing the attention lori and spooking Mellody.
"I- I mean I am but it's-" Lori started to explain but fumbled on her words. She was obviously surprised and overwhelmed by the situation.

"Listen lady, I don't give two shits if you kill it or not. It ain't my business but is it right? Not telling Rick?" Archie asked, sounding oddly serious.

"Even if you are killing it, it's your choice but not telling your man… either of them." Archie exclaimed, his arms still crossed.

Lori furrowed her eyebrows in concern, recognizing the truth in Archie's statements. "You know about Shane" she muttered in reply.

"Y'all didn't think your secret could be kept secret forever, huh? I get it, you thought your husband died... but his best friend? That's just f'ed up," Archie said, shaking his head.
"I haven't known Rick very long but he's a good person. Tell him, or not. He's gonna be pissed, but he loves you more than anything, man. He's not gonna hate you but Shane... Shane... trust me, he's not good."
Archie shook his head again, starting to walk away from the situation.

"Where are you going??" Mellody yelled, standing on the bench as Archie walked towards the woods.

But he didn't answer, continuing his path without looking back even once.
Mellody looked over at Lori, who was walking away.

"Hey Mellody," Sofia spoke up, her voice soft as she caught the young girl's attention from behind.

"Hey," Mellody replied, jumping down from the bench instantly, her smile growing wider as she turned around to face Sofia.

Sofia glanced around as she tried to make sense of Archie's departure.

"Where is Archie going?" she asked, but Mellody could only shrug her shoulders.
"He's probably going to look for the girl," Mellody replied, making an accurate guess.

Suddenly, Sofia declared, "I'm gonna go...look for my momma I'll be right back." Immediately, she started to stroll toward Carol, who was off in the distance.

(Okay okay I know this chapter is short buuut I have ideas I know I already have like 5 fanfics of the walking dead witch you should Totaly check out but i really want to make a black phone fanfic of like inserting a oc or something like he gets kidnapped by thr grabber and dies i am gonna write ot but it will take time because I need a face claim and how to start it let me know it you like the idea of a black phone fanfic i really do recommend black phone it was a amazing movie i loved it so much but if I do go ahead with the fanfic It will take more time to write more chapters for all my Twd fanfics .....

I'm kinda out of ideas for my dead or alive twd fanfic idk what to do with it now and it's just really boring ...anyway I would love it if you game me ideas for black phone or face claims anything)

(Sorry that was so long idek if anyone will read this or care thanks)

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