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Jack and Roger had now entered the afterlife and had to face God for judgment

''I sentence you both to eternal punishment in hell for your wicked behaviour'' God told them 

Neither boy was really surprised about this. They were expecting the punishment. However it didn't stop them both from crying and burying their faces in their hands

''Please Lord have mercy on us'' they begged and got down on their knees

''No mercy'' God told them ''you will both serve eternal punishment in hell its no less than you deserve''

''But Lord what will happen to us in hell?'' Roger wept

''You will be punished very hard, very severe. The Lord of the flies is waiting for you''

They were taken to hell and met the ''Lord of the Flies'' who was a very scary pigs head on a stick and it grinned at them

Both boys screamed as a swarm of flesh eating flies and mosquitos attacked them and began to eat them alive

JACK THE KING (Lord of the Flies reimagined)Where stories live. Discover now