Chapter 1301 - 1320

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Chapter 1301 - Great Leap!

"Sister Long, here, here!"

Long Yunxin, the youngest mentor of the Refining Department of Flying Star University, had only just arrived at the entrance of the park with the hundred most distinguished students of her apartment when she saw Xie Anan, her confidante who had been a friend to her since childhood, jumping up and down, waving her hands at them.

After being away for more than five years, the little girl who always followed her had grown much more mature. She was almost like a charming and lovely woman now.

However, her round, red face that looked like a ripe apple was exactly like before. If she made her hair into a cute ponytail, chances were that she would still be mistaken for a college student!

But one should never judge anyone based on their appearance. Long Yunxin knew for a fact that the little girl, who appeared to be a bit silly before and was merely spoiled by everyone as a precious darling, had made astonishing progress after learning under the legendary master of refining 'Fiend Star Li Yao'.

Xie Anan's arts of refining had already been acknowledged as expert-level. In good time, it was possible that she would indeed grow into a grandmaster to everybody's surprise!

Who could've seen this coming? Long Yunxin secret observed with mixed feelings. She had not figured out even to this moment what about Xie Anan caught Li Yao's attention and made him decide to recruit her as a disciple.

Speaking of which, when Li Yao entered the circle of refiners in the Flying Star Sector, it was Long Yunxin who had made his acquittance first.

Long Yunxin had even taken Li Yao to a Sword Tasting Get-together. They had competed in the Skyhill Sword Seminar!

Later, when Long Yunxin was teaching in the Refining Department of Flying Star Universe, Li Yao had spent around half a year in Flying Star Universe as a 'visiting scholar', too. The two of them had been in a close relationship.

Long Yunxin had been rather fond of Li Yao, who had still been concealing his identity back then. She had even subtly expressed her feelings for him.

But as a result, Li Yao had refused her in a rather... perverted way.

Ever since then, whenever the name of Li Yao was mentioned, Long Yunxin's teeth would clatter in fury, and she was often so embarrassed that she almost wanted to dig a hole in the ground and bury herself in it.

Because of the incident, she was even too ashamed to contact her good friend Xia Anan who happened to be an eye-witness of the awkward dinner.

However, time was the best healer for everything, and that event had been a long time ago.

It had been almost ten years since the riot of the Immortal Cultivators in the Flying Star Sector and six years since the great plague in the Heaven's Origin Sector and the rebellion of the Patriots Partnership in the Heaven's Origin Sector.

Five years had already passed since Kunlun was first visited by human beings and the relics of the Pangu civilization had been found!

For everyone in the Heaven's Origin Sector, the Flying Star Sector, and the Blood Demon Sector, history seemed to be a boat that had suddenly marched into a narrow, ragged valley with surging waves after passing through a broad, peaceful river slowly. The reforms over the past five years were perhaps more epic than the changes in the five hundred years before that!

Civilizations originated from communication. With the integration of the technology, techniques, wisdom, and history, and with the primeval magical equipment, spiritual stripes, and spells that were transported to the three Sectors from Kunlun, countless new concepts, new findings, and new organizations were popping up like mushrooms after a rain, making everybody feel dazzled.

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