Chapter 1321 - 1340

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Chapter 1321 - When You Learn the Truth in the Morning

Professor Mo Xuan was silent for a moment before he nodded and said, "You're right. Not many people are suitable for the task, and you are on the top of the list.

"On one hand, you have the valuable experience of exploring the Flying Star Sector and the Blood Demon Sector on your own, which nobody else in the three Sectors shares.

"The results of your adventures are not bad at all, proving that you have all the abilities required for the mission. Although luck did play a role in your journey, the newborn Star Glory Federation needs some luck, too, in order to embark on the way to dominate the sea of stars!

"On the other hand, you are also one of the best refiners in the three Sectors. Although you are not good at theoretical studies, your practical abilities are definitely among the best and can even rank in the top five!

"The mission requires the explorer to assemble a large amount of magical equipment units and even perform sophisticated maintenance work. Such work does not demand much theoretical knowledge, but it calls for very high practical abilities!

"Therefore, generally speaking, you are the best candidate!

"However, as I have explained the difficulties of the mission to you just now, one day in your journey may mean one year in the real world. Such a mission will greatly influence your life plans and the future of your family!

"You are no longer the unknown, poor boy that you were twenty years ago who had nothing to lose when you were having your adventures. Now, you are the core member of the Colossi Project, and you are responsible for sorting and writing the operation manuals of the Colossi, which essentially makes you the 'chief tutor of the Colossi' of the three Sectors. You also have many organizations under your name, such as the Glorious Sunlight Group, the Double Dragons Union, Skyfire, and so on, which are operating quite well in the three Sectors. Also, you have only been married for five years and don't have any children yet...

"If you are to carry out the mission, it means that you will be separated from everything I mentioned just now for decades!

"A lot of things will happen in the next hundred years. When you return from the foreign land, the Star Glory Federation will be destined to be something entirely different from what it is right now!

"You and Ding Lingdang need to consider the possible influences carefully.

"In fact, even I don't know whether or not it is worthwhile to choose you for the mission because you can also play an irreplaceable role if you stay in the three Sectors. Chances are that you will make even more contributions here than if you go to explore space!

"Therefore, even if you and Ding Lingdang decline the mission after deliberation, I will absolutely support your decision. I can arrange a few Sectors that are closer to us and less difficult for you to explore!

"I mean what I said. Perhaps, it will be even better to keep you in the federation as a 'symbol'. The fame, influence, wealth, and resources that you can possibly gain here will be much more than you can from the depths of the sea of stars. You will also create value for the federation in a much more stable way. ( Boxno vel. co m )

"This jade chip stores all the research files regarding the mysterious world ever after we received the uncanny signal. You and Ding Lingdang can take a good look at it and consider all the factors comprehensively before you give us a reply. We don't need to rush into any decision after all."

Hesitating for a moment, Li Yao took the jade chip. The jade chip was as small as a cicada, but it felt as heavy as a thousand tons on his palm.

Thinking for a moment, Li Yao asked one last question. "Professor, the issue is indeed too complicated. I need time to think about it more carefully with Ding Lingdang! However, I'm indeed very curious about one thing. I wonder, can you tell me—how many candidates are on your list? Who's out there besides me?"

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