Chapter 23: Durin's Bane

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January 15th TA 3019

There was no escape - surrounded entirely by hundreds of snarling Orcs. They formed a circle around the Fellowship, and if they lunged for them, the companions wouldn't survive. Hope abandoned their eyes, reflecting the flicker of the flames of Boromir's torch. The ghost of the Goblins' laughs echoed in the vast chamber before it went silent.

A sudden guttural growl emanated through the halls.

Both friend and foe turned towards the sound as they began to see an orange light at the end of the chamber. The armour of the Orcs began to clatter again as they looked around in a panic, screeches accompanying the fear in their eyes. Another rumble reverberated around the stone. The Goblins, now fully trembling and shrieking, began to scatter. Their hollers of malice at surrounding the Fellowship were now replaced by those of dread.

The Fellowship glanced around, confusion etched on their faces. The Orcs began to retreat, scurrying back into the cracks they came from and climbing up the pillars, crawling into the crevices of the ceilings. Gimli laughed, thinking the Goblins had been scared off by the companions. Another growl slowly dragged on, echoing in the ancient Dwarven city as the Orcs scrambled and disappeared into the dark, their fearful screeches fading away.

All alone, the Fellowship wearily stared at the end of the hall. Legolas and Eluin aimed their bows at the fiery light but lowered them as a chill ran up their spines. No... "What is this new devilry?" Boromir muttered, but none answered. Gandalf closed his eyes, clutching his staff as another thundering erupted in the distance, and heavy footfalls stepped closer.

Gandalf's eyes were cast with a silent dread as he reopened them. "A Balrog... a demon of the ancient world." Legolas and Eluin stilled in fear. Ancient stories of the ages and scripts they had read flashed through their minds. A memory of Legolas curled in the corner of the Greenwood library with weathered scrolls sprawled around him played in his head. Eluin recalled the book about the Fall of Gondolin she had read many times on the shelves in the Rivendell library.

They had read about the Balrogs, monsters that fought the Elves long ago. Ones that destroyed the Elves, their own ancestors, in their wars. Beings of terrible power, of shadow and flame.

"This foe is beyond any of you," Gandalf spoke grimly as footsteps approached. "Run!"

No questions asked, the Fellowship began sprinting to the other end of the chamber, away from the fiery light. Another raw growl, now louder, echoed through the halls. For even the Wizard and the Elves were frightened by it, the companions wished not to face it. They reached a small archway, and Gandalf stopped to usher the Hobbits in first. "Quickly!" Gandalf rushed, glancing hurriedly towards the approaching light before following. The air was growing warmer.

Boromir was the first to stumble down the stairs in the tunnel. As he reached the end, there was a missing segment, and he halted at the last step. The Captain fumbled and shouted in shock, the torch he held falling into the abyss below. Legolas dashed forward, grabbing Boromir before he fell, both stumbling back on the stairs. The others arrived, seeing the depths they had to cross.

"Gandalf," Eluin called as the Wizard came down the tunnel. Aragorn was beside her, reaching for Gandalf as he approached. "Lead them on, Aragorn," the Wizard ordered, putting a hand on the Ranger's shoulder. "The bridge is near," he said, looking over the distance. Eluin and Aragorn turned towards it, seeing the Bridge of Khazad-dûm - a lone, narrow walkway of stone over the vast chasm of darkness leading to the East Gate of Moria, their way out.

Aragorn, concerned, moved towards Gandalf, but the Wizard roughly pushed him away. "Do as I say!" Eluin caught Aragorn as he stumbled from the shove, confusion filling their eyes as they furrowed their brows. "Mithrandir?" the elleth uttered. The Balrog roared again, the smell of smoke filling the air. "Swords are no more use here!" Gandalf stressed as he descended the stairs.

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