The Start Of A Journey

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Hey! Thank you to everyone who left a comment on the previous chapters, it's a pleasure to read your reactions weekly!!


Crocodile was the first one to leave the room the following morning. He had not conferred with Mihawk about how they should organise themselves, but it seemed that they had both thought it natural for them to sleep together in the Jester's room. Mihawk had slept in a reclined chair, arms crossed and feet propped on the bed. Crocodile had sat next to Buggy in the bed.

He was the first one on guard, watching both men sleep in silence. It was not the first time he saw Mihawk sleep, as they'd sometimes shared a room on their way to Falaise, but the sight of Mihawk sleeping with his arms crossed on his stomach still made him snigger. He looked ridiculous, like a disgruntled dead man who could rise any minute.

On the contrary, he couldn't see much of Buggy even while sitting next to him. The man had buried himself under his quilt the minute their discussion had ended, and he had not emerged since. Crocodile could see the slow shift of the covers at each breath, his curled up form barely moving. He guessed Buggy could still sleep this way.

As if someone had called for him, Mihawk woke up halfway through the night. It was barely visible, his eyes blinking open slowly, his breathing unchanged. Crocodile didn't notice it at first, caught off guard when he looked up from watching the few strands of blue hair slipping out of the quilt and met Mihawk's opened eyes.

The scarred man did not start, but he was sure that the surprise was visible on his face. Mihawk kept mum. He nodded his head towards the bed, silently signifying to Crocodile that he was taking over. The older man did not protest, the day had been tiring, and the Jester's bed was comfortable.


The following morning was a rough reality check for Buggy. Becoming aware of the impending war as he left the comfort of his bedroom to summon his two advisors and the head guard.

Contrary to the last time, he was the first one inside the throne room, followed closely by Crocodile and Mihawk who seemed to refuse to leave him out of sight even for a second. He was surprisingly adjusting well to the situation, not denying the fact that their presence grounded him.

There was silence in the room as everyone waited for him to speak up, and he relished in the last moment of stillness he would have for a long time. When he opened his mouth, he signed the end of peace in Normandy.

First, he started by laying out the details gathered from Shanks' letter, all the while omitting the specifics of how he'd found such information. Cabaji and Mohji listened intently and stone-faced, but the head guard did not mask his surprise.

He had been aware of the possibility of an incoming battle for the throne of England, but he had not expected it to be against both Teach and Shanks. Everyone in the castle knew of the closeness between the Dukes of Aquitaine and Normandy, so to hear that the red-hair would be an enemy was undoubtedly more of a shock than any other information disclosed during the meeting. Still, he kept silent, regaining his composure the moment the surprise passed.

'As things seem to be, there is certainty in the fact that Marshall D. Teach is heading straight to England. His whereabouts are unknown, so it would be best to assume that he is only a few weeks away from the coasts. At best, this would leave us a month to prepare. During the time being, we'll have to constitute an army and a fleet, as well as find financing. We will need boats in great quantities, horses, supplies, and weapons, obviously.'

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