I Should Make You Jealous More Often

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Two weeks passed. Busy with the preparations and the overseeing of the operations, Buggy went to bed exhausted every night, collapsing in the sheets and dead to the world until he had to get up and start all over again, just before the sun rose. It was the most activity he'd ever had in his life. He didn't mind, though. He didn't have the luxury to, anyway.

Each passing day reinforced the excitation passing through the men, fuelled by the knowledge that the war was getting closer. Everyone was on edge, especially after the success of the attack they had led on Exmes previously. Mihawk had killed Don Krieg, and Buggy had decided to leave the castle and the city to a young man native of the town, son of a local seigneur who'd earned his people's respect years ago. Someone who could replace Don Krieg, with his knowledge of the seigneury, but also someone people loved and trusted enough to not rebel against, or rebel with against the Duke.

Thanks to Crocodile's investigation, the castle was now a place of trusted people only, though Buggy tried not to let himself sympathise much with newcomers, reasserting his role as Duke. It was a lonely life, that of a Duke.

And yet, for the first time ever since Buggy had left England, he didn't feel that alone anymore. Despite their decision to deal with their feelings after the war, Crocodile and Mihawk slept in the Duke's room every night, ever since their departure for the gone-wrong trip. Buggy had the feeling that, as long as Crocodile and Mihawk were here, he'd never be alone again.

His knights weren't the only ones contributing to this feeling, though. Mohji and Cabaji were his advisors, but Buggy was only now realising that he'd underestimated the extent of their devotion and loyalty to him. They were here before anyone else, and more than subjects, Buggy could confidently say he considered them as friends now, forever grateful for their presence at his side.

And then there was Rasiphe, Galdino, and Alvida. If Rasiphe wasn't that much of a surprise, as he had always been his only friend here, it was different for the other two. Alvida had joined the castle the day Buggy and Mihawk had organised their trip to Exmes, bringing troops as promised. Just like during their previous encounter, she and Buggy got along quite well, both sharing the experience of having been considered undeserving by their pairs, and both ready to prove their worth.

With Galdino, it was even more different, as bravery was not a trait any of the two men shared. If anything, Galdino's presence brought out Buggy's wariness. But in times like those, it was needed, and Buggy liked him anyway.

Including Jinbei who was also a solid support, this was a weirdly strong group he had gathered here in Falaise. His confidence in their abilities grew each passing days.


A week before the Norman fleet's intended departure for England, a man coming from the south walked into the premises of the castle, asking to see Crocodile.

Buggy and his two knights were in the throne room, reviewing a map of England, when a servant came to bear the news. Both the Duke and the swordsman frowned, wondering who could be asking for Crocodile in Normandy, as the man had never mentioned having any peculiar attachment to anyone from his past.

Intrigued, Buggy agreed to let the stranger in, curious to see who could be asking for his knight, and to see who could have possibly crossed over the entire country to find Crocodile.

As the man stepped inside the throne room, Buggy started to regret having agreed. Initially standing beside Buggy, Crocodile's face lit up when he took in the sight of the newcomer, immediately coming to meet him, enthusiastically saying 'Daz Bones! You, here?!'

Buggy and Mihawk shot each other a questioning look, watching as Crocodile warmly clapped the stranger's back. Crocodile hated physical contact. 'What are you doing here? How did you find me?' The scarred man asked.

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