Crimson's crib

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Chaz didn't have many friends but one of his closest friends other than striker was of course Ian Hawke
Ian had called Chaz that morning and asked him if he could help move some stuff into a new circus he was starting up with his friend cash buckzo
Chaz could have sworn he'd heard that last name somewhere
Chaz decided to bring striker along with him as striker sometimes brought him on jobs not that striker had much to do anyway
Striker would never volunteer to go to a circus as he's scared of clowns so Chaz did the only reasonable thing and tranquilized him and shoved him in his car
It was quite the drive and striker would probably be out for a while

Barely an hour passed and striker jolted up
"Now what the actual hell is going on"
Chaz smiled at striker
"Remember you agreed to help my friend move his stuff to a new location"
Striker looked confused
Striker yelled
"Emm yes you did then you said 'ugh Chazy I'm going back to bed"
Striker honestly felt too out of it to argue back
Most of the car ride was Chaz trying to talk to striker and striker feeling woozy

They soon arrived at Ian's penthouse office
Chaz realised striker may not be in the condition to walk up that many stairs
"Hey strikey maybe we should use the elevator"
Striker continued to lazily walk up the stairs
"What so the CIA can steal all my information I'll pass Chaz"
Chaz attempted to help striker
"Strikey I'm worried you might fall or something can you please just take the elevator"
Striker didn't even reply and continued to drag himself up the stairs
Chaz then grabbed striker's arm only striker quickly hit him away
"Chaz this better not be some orgy or something going on here, I don't want you or your friend's AIDs"
Chaz rolled his eyes
"That's your biggest concern no it's not Ian's chill I promise"
Striker finally gave into the elevator idea and they reached Ian's office
Chaz knocked on the door to Ian's office
He knew Ian was a busy man in his penthouse office
Ian open the door enthusiasticly and brought Chaz into a hug
Striker just looked away
"If it isn't my best buddy Chaz how have you been haven't seen you in forever "
Ian and Chaz sort of lost contact after Ian and Dave's bad divorce
Ian never handled it well
"Ian I missed you by the way this is my man striker"
Ian was going to hug striker only Chaz butted in
"Ian that's a terrible idea don't do that"
Striker was confused at Chaz's sudden respect for his boundaries
Chaz only did it out of jealousy incase striker actually did hug him back

"Welcome boys to my penthouse office"
Ian said with a smile
"So what was it you needed help with?"
Ian pointed over at two cages on his desk with sheet over them
"These are my singing chipmunks quick warning though one of them really let fame get to his head"
Ian lifted the sheet and Chaz and striker were greeted to 6 chipmunks 3 in each cage
One cage had boys and the other had girls (with a much lower special effects budget)
Striker noticed the male chipmunk in red had a tiny joint
"Why's that one smoking?"
Ian's eyes widened
"Look Alvin is a bad kid he started hanging out with a load of jocks and hasn't been the same since"
Striker looked back at the chipmunks
"Alvin you have to stop sneaking out at night me and Theodore are worried"
The chipmunk striker could only assume to be Alvin rolled his eyes
"Ugh Simon get out of my face uncle Ian doesn't have a problem with it why do you?"
Ian quickly through the sheet back over the cages
Ian then proceeded to hand striker and Chaz a cage each
Ian grabbed the rest of his stuff and they made their way back to Chaz's car
"Striker you're going to have to hold the chipmunks the green one is scared of long car journeys"
Striker could literally tell this guy was Chaz's friend
He was a complete dick

Striker sat in the back seat with the cage while Chaz and Ian sat in the front
Ian gave Chaz the directions to his circus while the were both talking
"Ian did you see m33nareads new post?"
Chaz asked
"No what is it?"
"It is so clearly targeted at Jimmy crystal and crimson knolastname it's actually so good its honestly one of her best"
Striker was disgusted
Jimmy and crimson at the same time?
He already hated Jimmy and he worked for crimson it was honestly disgusting

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