date night ig

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Chaz woke up to his phone ringing he immediately knew it was Jimmy crystal and so did striker
"Do not answer that" striker hated how stressed and uneasy that wolf made him
Also the way he treated Chaz kinda made him uncomfortable
But it was too late Chaz had already answered
"There's my best man"
Jimmy answered the phone enthusiastic as always
"Hey Jimmy"
Chaz was always happy to hear from his best friend
"Look I'm gonna give it to you straight I need you to get me a four pack of gold monsters"
Jimmy always had the most specifically strange tasks but chaz was always down to help Jimmy out they were best friends after all
"Of course me and strikey will get you one as soon as possible"
Jimmy cringed at the mention of that name
"Is it really necessary you bring him..."
Chaz was confused he always brought striker with him
"Yeah obviously strikey always comes with me"
Striker rolled his eyes
"Look whatever but just get that monster to me fast"
Chaz smiled
"Ok I won't let you down Jimmy"
Jimmy hung up the phone on Chaz
"Striker, Jimmy needs us to do a job for him"
Striker looked at Chaz
"When does he not have a stupid and pointless for him"
Chaz was insulted
"They're not always pointless"
Striker knew Chaz could be stupid but was he really that dumb
"He asked us over one time to ask which shirt looked better on him then when he got an answer he handed you money"
Chaz sighed
"How else would Jimmy know which shirt to wear?"
Striker decided it was best not to argue with Chaz about Jimmy
"What does he need this time? Does he need us to open the window for him or something?"
Chaz didn't find strikers smart comment funny
"No actually he wants us to get a four pack of-"
Chaz hesitated he knew if he said monster it would freak striker out and he probably wouldn't got with him
"Energy drinks for him"
Chaz continued
Chaz was just gonna use some money Jimmy gave him before to buy the drinks

Chaz got into his car with striker and turned on the radio
He connected his phone to the speaker and started playing "animals by Maron 5"
The car ride was only about fifteen minutes long to the store but it felt like an eternity with that music Chaz was playing
They arrived and Chaz grabbed the four pack off the shelf and went to go to the checkout area
"What are you doing Chaz?"
Striker was genuinely confused
"Paying for the drinks obviously"
Striker sighed
"We can literally just leave there's no point in waiting here the longer we take the more likely Jimmy will kill us"
Chaz knew it was wrong but maybe striker would be impressed if he didn't pay so they just walked back to Chaz's car
Surprisingly they didn't get caught stealing at all
Chaz started to play 'best gacha life songs 2019'
Striker hated being in a car any kind of music on he couldn't think straight
Driving to Jimmy's mansion was already nerve racking enough without 'skrilex bangarang' playing on the radio
About half an hour later they arrived and Chaz grabbed the monsters from the backseat

Chaz knew he was always welcome at Jimmy's so he just walked in
He knew exactly where Jimmy's office was so he knocked on the door
Jerry opened the door and let both boys in
"There's Chaz with my drinks now. I  can always trust Chaz to get the job done"
Striker wasnt even jealous at Chaz for getting Jimmy's attention he was more upset that Jimmy thought Chaz could do any kind of job and he couldn't
Jimmy looked over at striker and signalled for him to get out of the room
Striker sighed and walked out of the room
"Chaz you're my best man and you already know that but I was thinking today I'd get you and I guess him and different kinda gift"
Chaz's mind had already run off the the thought of him, Jimmy and striker but the thoughts were interrupted
"I've got you two a reservation at that fancy club in lust"
Shit striker wasn't gonna be on board with this
"Take this too, treat yourself this is more about you then it is him I know how hard you work for me"
Chaz just smiled and took the money from Jimmy
Striker was definitely gonna think this was his idea
Chaz went out and got striker to come back into the office
Jimmy open a can of monster and handed it to Chaz
"You deserve it"
Chaz didn't really like this flavour but was grateful anyway
"What about striker you have a whole fridge full of them back there"
Jimmy paused
"Chaz I get that you two have this whole thing going on but don't defend him in my presence"
Striker simply rolled his eyes
He wouldn't have drank it to be honest so it didn't matter but still
Chaz felt uncomfortable around striker and Jimmy at the same time due to the fact they both hated each other
Striker hated Jimmy because he was a rich douche bag and his strange attachment to Chaz
Jimmy hated Striker due to a miscommunication between him and crimson about striker and Chaz and the phrase 'horse fucker'
Chaz loved them both very much but he didn't like the tension between the two he decided it was best if both of them left

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