4. home

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"Kook, chim we home!!!" Yoongi said entering their home.

"Tae!!!/ Yooni!!!" They both said running to them.

"Hii babies how was your day chim??" Tae said and hug Jimin leaving the sulking bunny behind.

"Hi hyungie my day was good unlike that bad bunny behind you" Jimin teased the sulking bunny.

"Yeah, that bad bunny having his punishment don't worry hmm and you too be good" tae said creasing Jimin's cheeks.

"Ahh, daddy~" jungkook whine behind them but other ignored him.

"You both go and change we have two hours to leave okay" tae said

"Okie hyungie we will meet you after two hours" yoongi said

"Okie see you both then" tae said and went to his room without giving attention to kook.

"I will go too hyung. And pray for me" kook said pouting. "Ohh kook you know what your attitude do to you but still you flirt with others" yoongi said "ahh hyung you should help me and cheer me up not to say it~" he whine

"Okie kook I will pray for your little ass bye see you later" he said and drag yoongi with him to another side of the mansion which they own.

After they left jungkook doesn't know what to do. He was afraid to go to his bedroom scared of his husband but excited. He knew he messed up big but still he does it every time pissing his husband off.

After some thinking and controlling his heart he went to their bedroom just to find his husband sitting on the bed looking damn hot and angry.

"Hi t-tae" he shutters and looks down when he saw other sending a death glare at him.

Tae stands up and walks towards him until he was pin to the wall trapped between elder hands.

"Hi, Kim jungkook" he said and lift his chin making him look into his eyes.

"How are you dealing with your punishment" tae said sending a shiver down his spine.

"Go-good" he shutters.

"You handling it good huh" he said and other nodded but yelp when he got a slap on his thigh. "Words bad baby" jungkook hissed "ye-yes" he replied biting his bottom lip "but I don't think so" taehyung smirked.

"Wh-what" he asked and his eyes went wide when the vibrator start at high speed.

"Ahh ta-tae" he said but got another slap on his right thigh. "That's not my name for you" he growled

"Da-daddy ugh ple Mmm please" he moaned

"Listen we have two hours to get ready and to take care of you. If you be good and don't make any noise you will get what you want. Just control your voice okay"

"Ok-okie daddy" he said controlling his voice wanting to get pleasure from his husband.

The next chapter will be full smut. I'm not asking you to leave a vote and comment but if you just comment on anything I will be happy. It gives me the motivation to write more.

And oh thank you very very very much for more than 40 views on this book this fast. Thank you so much again.

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idol's secret husband Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon