6. Dinner

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All ready?" Tae asked glancing at everyone in the hall "Yup we should go now" yoongi said looking at the stumbling boy in front of him who couldn't stand on his own will.

"Then let's go I can't stand still anymore," jungkook said holding tae arm. "Yeah, I can see by the look of you. Hyungie aren't you going to hide his hickies?!" Jimin asked looking pointing at his neck "No jiminie I'm not doing it today. Now stop talking and let's go before your friend falls here" tae said while lifting jungkook in his arms.
They arrived at the hotel where they planned to meet. It was a bar hotel where rich people go. They choose it so they have their full privacy.

"We are here everyone out and rush in quickly before getting spotted," yoongi told them and they did what they were told.

Jimin and jungkook went in together then yoongi and tae went in.

(Meanwhile in the hotel room with everyone)

"Do you know why we are here?!" Namjoon asked looking at everyone in the room. "No, we don't know. I think sir just wanted to say something or just have dinner together. Don't know much" hani answered.

"Do you know anything about it jieun he is your brother" This time seojoon asked. "I know he is my brother but he didn't tell me anything about it. Just asked me to arrange it and gather you all" she replied.

"We just have to wait for him for it then," Jin said and everyone agreed.

After some ten to fifteen minutes, the door opened revealing jimin and jungkook who were holding jimin for support.

"Hii everyone" jimin said. "Hello ohh hell what happened to you jungkook why are you looking like this" Jin said looking at him with a worried face.

"Nothing it's nothing to worry about. Do your work don't interfere in my busin-" he didn't get to complete his sentence before he got smacked on his head. "Ahh, who is this!!" He said without looking. "Language kook before I spank your still aching ass right here in front of everyone," tae said behind him and he zips his mouth.

"Hello everyone hope we didn't make you guys wait much" tae said entering and smiling at everyone who was shocked by what just happened there.

"What just happened? What I just witnessed. The brat jungkook got smacked and his mouth shut in just a second!!!!" Hobi shouted

"Sorry about his behaviour Oppa. He is just like that" hani apologized to tae for his boyfriend. "It's okie don't worry I don't mind it" tae gives a genuine smile.

"Aren't u going to sit jk?" jiuen said to the boy who was still standing there pouting looking like a cute bunny.

"Come sit here bun" tae said patting the seat beside him. And the other boy went to sit there without saying anything.

The people in the room didn't say anything about it knowing they shouldn't ask about it now at least. They order their food and focus on their sir.

"Uhm so everyone I want you all to be comfortable with me. Some of you are my hyungs. I know you all work in my company but I'm the only SIR in the company for you all. But outside of work, I want to befriend everyone here" tae said looking at everyone.

"We like to be your friend uhm taehyung," seojoon said

"Call me tae it's okay with me" tae said and everyone nodded jungkook still pouting looking down. His exposed skin was littered with hickies.

They all got comfortable with each other talking about everything and anything. Jin telling his dad jokes.
Hobi being the sunshine he is making everyone smile. Until now jungkook has become normal and taking part in talking with others but being careful with his words. Not wanting his poor ass to suffer more.

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