(1) Exploring

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3rd POV

Mable immediately opened the map and started rambling about the place "there's a lot of interesting places here! There's a stable with magical beasts that we'll be mounting in a beast class we'll be attending, oh! And there's a greenhouse with all types of flowers and there's also a garden right next to it too! OH! And There's Also-"

"alright that's enough, how about we vote to decide where to go first since I don't think we have enough time to see all of these places" dipper said cutting mable off.

"sounds good to me what do you think belle-" they all look at where belle and mason were to find both of them gone.

"dang it, did they seriously left their younger siblings alone here..."

"Seems like it, let's just split up into two and look around. me and Tyrone are going to go to the stables, see yall in the main hall!" May said before running off with Tyrone.

"Wa- HEY I Wanted To Go To The Stables!" Mable screamed.

"well that's that, come on let's go and check the greenhouse out" dipper said while grabbing Mable's hand and dragging her to the greenhouse.

"Woah! Is this the garden?" Mable said in awe.

"seems like it, I've never seen these flowers before.."

"They're pretty! Can we like take some of these?"

"I don't know... I think it's better to leave them be, we don't want to get into trouble on our first day after all"

"sigh* fine..." mabel sighed.

They walked around the garden making their way to the greenhouse while admiring and photographing the flowers.

"oh here it is" dipper said staring at the beautiful entrance of the greenhouse, he looked around seeing some people admiring and poking flowers and other weird plants.

"Woah this place is beautiful and weird at the same time" mable said while looking around in awe.

"hey mable look, it's you as a flower!" dipper laughed while pointing at a pink glittery flower.

"oh come on I'm not THAT obsessed with glitter anymore!"

"oh please knowing you, you probably brought at least three bottles of glitter with you in your Suitcase"

"be grateful that it's ONLY three bottles, I would have brought at least ten of them if I was still obsessed with them" mable pouted.

"yeah yeah, whatever you say" dipper said before noticing his sister staring intensely at a girl a few steps beside them.

"What are you looking at?" dipper whispered to her ears, which made mable jumped a bit.

"hey! Don't do that!" mable whispered back.

"anyway don't you think that girl looks kinda like Pacifica?" mable whispered to her brother looking back at the girl she was staring at before, it was a blonde haired girl wearing a colorful hoodie with star earrings then dipper noticed the boy beside the girl, he had white hair and freckles wearing a hoodie and a hat.

"well... Kinda? Her face looks similar to Pacifica's but the way she dresses... It's something Pacifica wouldn't wear and the guy beside her looks kinda like Gideon except he doesn't look all fancy and stuff"

"yeah... Should we like... Ask them?"

"ask them what?"

"you know... If they know who Pacifica or Gideon is?"

"what?!? No! What if they don't know who they are and it's just gonna be a really awkward situation!"

"oh come on! You're just overthinking it now!"

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