Chapter 60

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 "Leader," you began as you stood in front of his desk. 

   "What is it Aiko?" he asked as he looked through some papers.

   "There's something that's been nagging at my mind lately, and I think I should share it with you," you said. 

   He stopped what he was doing and gave you his full attention. "Go on."

   "I've been seeing these images of a blackhaired woman," you started. "And it's been happening more and more lately. The first time I saw her, was in a dream a day before my tenth birthday. I thought it was nothing but something keeps me thinking, and I believe... she might be my mother."

   Nagato stayed silent and only stared at you. "And you're telling me this because...?"

   "I wanted to ask for permission to visit the Hidden Cloud Village," you said and hesitated a moment. "Alone."

   Nagato took a deep breath. "Why do you want to visit the Hidden Cloud?"

   "I want to see the place where my clan resided," you answered. "I want to find out as much as I can about my clan. I don't have many memories of them, and not knowing if all of them were truly killed is bothering me. I'd like to know if there's even one person, aside from me, left of my clan. And what my clan name was."

   Nagato's eyes ran over your face, possibly searching for something. But you didn't know what he was looking for. After a moment, he sighed.

   "I guess you do deserve more freedom," he said as he buried his face in his hands. Your hopes were brought up. If he meant what you thought he meant... "You've done a lot for the Akatsuki, and even brought Yahiko back. You can go Aiko."

   "Thank you Leader!" you leaned over his desk and hugged him. His arms wrapped around you. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

   "But you do have to take something you can contact us with," Nagato said as you pulled away. You nodded enthusiastically. He turned to the door. "You can all come in, I know you're out there."

   You turned your head to look behind you as the door opened to reveal the entire Akatsuki.

   "You were all listening?" you asked. Some looked away while others merely nodded. "I expected that from Hidan, Deidara or Tobi. But the rest of you? What a shame."

   "Some of us were pulled here against our will," Yahiko said as he held up his hand. Itachi and Sasori did the same. Deidara, Hidan and Tobi were acting as linkers by holding onto the others' hands. Yahiko pulled his wrist out of Deidara's grasp and walked away a little. "So we didn't really mean to."

   "It's fine. It doesn't matter, I was gonna share it with you guys anyway," you said. "Now that you know, I want you to promise you won't shadow me while I go there. This is something I have to do on my own. It's not that I don't want you to come along, it's just..."

   "It's alright princess," Hidan spoke up as he walked over to you and swung an arm around your shoulders. "We understand, we get it. Go on, but be careful."

   You smiled and nodded. "I will, I promise."

   Nagato cleared his throat and everyone turned back to him. Konan and Yahiko stood beside him and he had a scroll in his hand as he stood. "I was saying you needed something you can contact us with, and you can do so with this," he said as he held the scroll out to you. 

   You eyed it and took the scroll from him. "What is it?" you asked as you opened it and looked through the contents.

   "It's a summoning scroll," Nagato answered. "This scroll will work with anyone's blood, so if you need it just summon the animal within. I will be alerted as soon as you do summon it, so I'll know."

   You nodded and rolled up the scroll, afterwards tucked it in your cloak. "Thank you Leader."

   Nagato nodded and walked to the front from behind the desk. "We'll go see off, alright?"

   You smiled and nodded again. "Fine by me."

   They followed and made jokes as you walked outside. 

   "Next thing you know, she'll wanna go to the other side of the earth on her own!" Hidan commented.

   "Don't give her ideas you fool," Sasori growled. 

   "I was joking!" Hidan yelled and turned to you. "Don't actually do that."

   You laughed. "I wouldn't. You guys are too important to just leave you for that much time."

   They grew silent and then smiled, but said nothing. You smiled back and exited the hideout. They all continued to follow you to the exit of the Hidden Rain village. You sighed and turned around to face them.

   "Be careful Aiko," Konan ordered sternly. "I don't want anything to happen to you."

   "Okay mama bear," you held your hands up. "I'll be careful."

   "You better brat," Sasori said with a glare.

   "Sheesh you're all acting like parents! Go get a kid of your own!" you complained and pouted while crossing your arms. "I promise I'll be careful! You have my word."

   "Just stay out of trouble," Yahiko said. "I haven't known you for a long time but you seem like a nice person. So stay safe kay?"

   "Yes Yahiko," you answered.

   "Do you have the extra cloak?" Nagato asked.

   You held up a bag that you picked up on your way here. "Yeah."

   "Put it on before you reach the Hidden Cloud alright?"

   "That way they won't know—"

   "That I'm from the Akatsuki," you finished for Deidara.

   "Exactly, hm," he nodded in satisfaction.

   "I promise I will," you repeated.

   "Alright then," Yahiko walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you. "Group hug!"

   Everyone joined in the hug, even the ones you never expected to join in. Sasori and Itachi you never expected to join in hug or even stand physical contact. You pulled away and smiled at everyone. 

   "Thanks guys, I'll be back in about a week," you told them. "Whether I find what I'm looking for or not." 

   They nodded and you turned around. You walked away as they shouted more farewells toward you. A smile crossed your lips and you lifted a hand to wave back at them and show that you were listening. Once you couldn't see them anymore, and the Hidden Rain was nothing but a small speck in the distance, you made a handsign  and jumped on the bird as it began to fly away. You removed your Akatsuki cloak and put on the plain black cloak. You didn't want to risk other shinobi to come after you. 

   Alright let's see... you glanced up at the sky. Eight in the morning. You looked at the horizon. I should make it there by tomorrow morning at the most if I keep up with this stride. But I don't want to run out of chakra so I'll make that nightfall... or early morning after tomorrow, to make it less suspicious-looking. Still... I can't help but feel hope that there might be another member of my clan.

~3rd Person~

   A blonde haired man stopped in his tracks and looked up into the sky. He felt something strange and narrowed his eyes. 

   "Hideyoshi, is something the matter?" asked one of the men with him as he too stopped walking a little ahead of Hideyoshi. 

   Hideyoshi turned toward the man. "No, nothing at all."

   "Then let's go, Lord Raikage is expecting this delivery before sundown tomorrow."

   "Right," Hideyoshi nodded and walked after the black haired man. He scowled at the ground, not really thinking about much. Why do I get the feeling something interesting will be happening very soon?

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