Aunt Choo

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Aunt Choo's children, Dee, Beng, Hing, Nan, and Bee, were all in their twenties and had grown into responsible and mature young adults. Dee, the eldest son, was a bit of a prankster, but he was also very responsible and took good care of his siblings. Beng, the second son, was quiet and playful, but also had a bad temper and stubborn streak. Hing, the third son, was a bit of a bookworm and loved to read. Nan, the eldest daughter, was very concerned with her appearance and spent most of her time primping and preening in front of the mirror. Bee, the youngest daughter, was a mother hen and loved to take care of her siblings, especially Jessie and Jayn.

Their female cousin from Aunt Sue, Feng, would often stay with Aunt Choo's family for extended periods of time. She was two years older than Jessie and loved to boss her around. But Dee was always there to make sure Feng didn't get too bossy, and he made sure everyone was having fun.

Jayn, who was only two plus years old, didn't talk much, but she loved to play and observe her new family. She would often sit and watch Beng, who was quiet and playful, but also had a bad temper and stubborn streak. Beng would sometimes get into moods, similar to Jayn, but he was also very loyal and protective of his family.

Bee, who had taken on a mother hen personality, loved to take care of Jessie and Jayn. She would often play with them, read them stories, and make sure they were safe and happy.

"Come on, Jayn, let's go play outside," Bee said one day. "We can play with the bubbles and watch them pop."

Jayn's eyes lit up and she followed Bee outside. Jessie joined in on the fun and soon they were all laughing and playing together.

Nan, who was more concerned with her appearance, stayed inside and primped in front of the mirror. "I need to make sure my hair looks perfect today," she said to herself. "I don't want any tangles or messiness."

Feng, who was staying with them for a few weeks, joined in on the fun outside. "Hey, Jessie, let's play a game of tag," she said. "I bet I can catch you!"

Jessie laughed and ran off, with Feng chasing after her. Jayn watched with a smile, happy to see her new family having so much fun together.

As the days turned into weeks, Jayn and Jessie settled into their new life with Aunt Choo and her family. They were happy and content, surrounded by love and music.

One evening, as they sat down to dinner, Dee turned to Beng and said, "Hey, Beng, why don't you show Jayn and Jessie your new photography skills?"

Beng's face lit up. "Yeah! I just got a new camera and I've been practising all week."

Jayn and Jessie followed Beng to the living room, where he showed them his photos. Jayn was fascinated by the colors and shapes, and Beng was happy to explain the different techniques he used.

As they finished dinner and began to clear the table, Uncle Chew said, "You know, I'm so proud of all of you. You're all grown up and doing so well. I'm grateful to have you as my family."

Aunt Choo smiled and nodded in agreement. "Yes, we're all very lucky to have each other. And we're so happy to have Jayn and Jessie as part of our family."

As they all sat down to rest and relax, Uncle Chew began to play a soft melody on his erhu 二胡 (a Chinese instrument with long slender neck and small round body covered in snakeskin). The music filled the room and Jayn and Jessie sat quietly, listening to the beautiful sounds. Bee sat with them, stroking their hair and keeping them company. Nan, who was still concerned with her appearance, sat in the corner, primping and preening in front of the mirror. Feng, who was sitting next to Nan, rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "Nan, you're always so worried about your looks," she said with a chuckle. " But you're beautiful just the way you are."

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