Best Class

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As Jayn entered the best class in Primary 5, she felt a sense of detachment. She wasn't particularly excited about being in the top class, and she didn't feel like it was a big achievement.

But as she looked around at her new classmates, she felt a twinge of anxiety. They all seemed so confident, so sure of themselves. And Jayn couldn't help but wonder if she belonged here.

The teacher assumed that they all knew most of the material already, and Jayn felt like she was struggling to keep up.

"Jayn, can you answer this question?" the teacher asked, looking at her expectantly.

Jayn hesitated, unsure of the answer. And when she didn't respond, the teacher frowned.

"Jayn, are you not paying attention?" she asked, her voice slightly stern.

Jayn felt a surge of anxiety. She wasn't trying to be defiant, she just didn't know the answer.

She simply kept quiet, looking down at her notes. The teacher scolded her for not answering, but Jayn didn't respond.

Nobody offered to help her. Nobody asked if she was struggling. And Jayn felt like she was completely alone.

As she walked home from school, Jayn felt a sense of dread. She knew her parents wouldn't be able to help her. Her older sister Jessie was too busy with her own social life, and her younger brother Danny was a genius who aced every exam without even trying.

Jayn felt like she was the only one who struggled. She felt like she was the only one who didn't have anyone to turn to.

That night, as she sat at her desk, staring at her homework, Jayn felt a tear roll down her cheek. She was so tired of feeling lost, so tired of feeling alone.

But she didn't know how to ask for help. She didn't know how to admit that she was struggling.

So she just sat there, feeling sorry for herself, feeling like she was the only one who didn't belong.

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