I Ran Away

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Macy's POV:
"Stop! I'm sorry!" I yelled as my adoptive father hit me with a shard of the plate I had accidentally dropped while washing the dishes.

"You fool!" He yelled back. he kind of looked like a cartoon character with how red he was getting from anger.

"Now clean this up and leave my sight!" He growled as he threw the plate shard at my hands and walked away. I was still shaking from fear while dragging myself off the ground.

Him and my adoptive mother have always abused me for as long as I remember, at first it just started with screaming at me and unfair treatment, and then turned into my everyday life like tonight's incident.

I picked up the pieces of the plate and swept the small pieces of plate up too, then I washed the rest of the dishes and sighed in agony while walking to my room.

But instead of a normal room they gave me the attic, so I had to climb what felt like a million steps to get there every day and night.

I got to my room and closed the door, sliding against it until I reached the ground. I just stared at my walls for half an hour before getting up and finally going to sleep, I didn't change though, I was too tired and burned out to.
I woke up at about 5 in the morning, so I got up still half asleep and changed into a semi-ripped dress and walked as slow as I could downstairs to make breakfast for everyone because they were too lazy to make it themselves.

I was almost finished when my adoptive brother walked in and started eating.

"Ew this sucks loser" he said while purposely spitting it out on the table for me to clean.

I sighed and walked over to the table, and I silently wiped it up while subtly giving him a rude look.

"Can you hurry up Cinderella" he groaned while playing with his fork and giving me a death stare.

"Well I'm sorry but you spat it out on the table idiot" I mumbled.

"What was that Cindy?" He said with an evil smirk on his face. "Nothing" I sighed while finishing.

"You know I'll tell dad-" he said while my adoptive dad walked in. "Tell me what?" He said while staring me down, ready to attack me if he wanted to.

"Nothing, I was just cleaning and I cleared my throat" I said slightly shaking, getting ready to defend myself.

"Fine" he groaned as he sat down and death stared me and started eating.

I sighed again and started doing the dishes so he wouldn't yell at me again.
I got done doing the dishes and had the courage to ask to visit my childhood friend Cleo. She lived next door and was always nice to me even with my home situation going on.

"Can I visit Cleo and her family today father" I asked, preparing for him to say no.

"I don't care what you do, just leave me alone. Be back by 1" he said, watching me walk out the door.

I knocked on the door and waited, Cleo's mom opened the door and let me in.

"Cleo will be down in a little" she said smiling as she walked away.

"Hi Macy!" Cleo yelled to me from the top of the stairs.

Cleo was so pretty, she had straight black hair and beautiful dark brown eyes with a perfect button nose and beautiful clothes to accent all those details.

"Hi Cleo." I smiled and stepped forward to hug her. She hugged me back and I felt so warm in her embrace.

"I need to tell you something" I said while looking up her stairs and grabbing her hand to go to her room and talk.

We got to her room and she sat me on her bed, "what do you want to tell me?" She asked while slightly tilting her head and holding my hand for comfort.

"I'm gonna run away today" I said while shutting my eyes tightly, scared to see her reaction.

"I'm glad. You need to get away from those people" she said while softly smiling and giving me a slight reassuring nod.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah" she replied while tightening her bracelet and staring down at the floor.

I smiled and hugged her, it kind of shocked her because I don't normally hug first.

"Should I go now?" I asked, with my whole body shaking because of the adrenaline pumping through me.

"Yeah, I already have a plan" she whispered and smiled.
"Okay, got it. I run down to the shelter and lie saying I have no home so my parents can't find me" I said while getting ready to leave.

"Yes, that's perfect. I know you can do this Macy. I love you" she said, slightly tearing up and waving me outside.

"I love you too Cleo, bye" I said, trying to hold my tears back as I ran out and towards the shelter.

What's gonna happen next 🫣

Is she going to follow the plan or will she fail?

I hope you're enjoying so far 🫶🏻

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Passion and power (new parts every day)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora