I Met Him

12 1 7

Macy's POV:
I wasn't sure if I was going the right way but I trusted Cleo so I kept going.

I felt so scared though, I was away from my abusive family now but I still felt like something was wrong.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize a car pulled up next to me.

The rolled down the windows and looked at me like they had found a lost dog.

"Need a ride?" The man said while staring at me still.

He was pretty handsome, he had dark hair with beautiful blonde-ish highlights and dark grey eyes that sparkled in the sun, he was wearing dark sunglasses that were tilted at a low angle so I could just barely see his eyes.

"I-I don't know" I said, still taking in how good he looked, I didn't know what butterflies even felt like before I saw him.

"Just get in, don't worry, I don't bite" he said while smirking.

I got in and looked at him, I was a little scared because he was a stranger, but he was nice to me, so I silenced my doubts and stayed.

He started driving and turned slightly to me, "what's your name *la mignonne" He said while smirking and tilting his head at me. (*Cutie)

"Macy Yentte" I said, trying to decode what he had said to me in what sounded like gibberish.

His eyes grew slightly wide and turned back to face the road.

"W-what's your name?" I said while twisting my hair through my fingers.

"Clay Swanick" he said, while hesitating and keeping his eyes focused on the road.

"Weird" I thought to myself as I realized he drove past the shelter.

"Oh, Clay you passed my stop" I said while slightly worrying.

"Change of plans" he said while making a sharp turn onto the highway.

"But-" I said when he cut me off.

"You'll understand why when we get there" he said while resting his left arm on the door handle.

I lowered my eyebrows confused and turned my head towards my window.
Almost an hour later we stopped by a small, one story house surrounded by beautiful willow trees and rows of flowers.

"Where are we" I asked as he stepped out of the car and walked to my side and opened my door for me.

"My house. I need to talk to you" he said while walking me into the house.

He sat me down at his couch and sat down on the coffee table in front of me.

"Do you know who I am Macy?" He said while leaning slightly toward me and raised his eyebrows slowly.

"No" I said, I'm sure he could hear the slight shaking in my voice and he leaned back a little.

"That's probably for the best" he said as he sighed and stood up walking to a room and waving me in there.

I walked over and saw a beautifully made bed with snow white walls and a beautiful wood dresser with carved designs on the edges.

"You can stay in here" he said and closed the door after he walked out.

My jaw slightly dropped in shock as I realized Cleo's plan failed me and I was now an hour away from the shelter instead of being in it.
After a while of laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling a little woman with long brown hair twisted in a bun and wearing an apron over her long dress and a soft smile on her face walked in.

"Hello dear" she said softly as she walked over to me and pulled me up off the bed.

"Hello miss, who are you?" I asked, tilting my head and slowly blinking my eyes at her.

"I'm Marie, the maid of this house" she said calmly as she smiled and put her duster on the dresser.

I just stared at her and looked at a small clock above the door and blinked.

"The boss wants you to join us for dinner" she said and gently pulled me to the closet.

"But you need some nice clean clothes" she said as she handed me a small white dress that had ruffles on the short sleeves and at the bottom of the dress, tied by a small bow in the back.

"Wow" I said, as I choked on my tears and smiled at her. "Thank you" I softly said as she nodded and walked out.

"Come out when you're ready" she said as she closed the door quietly and smiled.
I got the dress on and walked out. "Hello" I said as I slightly smiled and sat at the table Clay was already sitting at.

He just stared at me, slightly smirking and blushing.

"I'm almost done cooking" Marie said as she clanked the pots and pans against each other while cleaning up.

"Why don't you tell her why she's here, Clay" she said.

"Marie-" Clay said as he was interrupted by her.

"Tell her." She firmly said as she turned and slightly glared at him and then glanced at me.

He sighed and slowly looked back at me.

"My apologies if you lose your appetite" he said, so Marie would stop him from telling me for my sake.

"Do you mean you took me here for a reason?" I asked while tilting my head and shook a little.

"Macy. This is hard to explain but..." he paused.

"You are the only daughter of the most feared mafia bosses in Rome" he said as he pursed his lips and looked at Marie.

My jaw fell wide open.

"Look what you made me do Marie" Clay said.

he sighed and pushed his hand through his hair while leaning back far in his chair.

Marie walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders.

"Don't worry dear, it's alright." She said to me glaring at Clay and clicking her tongue.

I swallowed hard and quickly got up out of my chair and ran to my room and pushed my body against the door so they would leave me alone.

Oh no! Poor Macy, I hope she figures this out 🥲

I wonder what she will do when she sees Clay again 😰

Don't forget to vote and comment 🫶🏻

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