─ chapter sixteen ; do i make you happy?

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March 22nd, 2024
Charleston, SC

When I woke up the next morning, Mister Jeon was already gone. But I still woke up with a smile on my face knowing he cuddled all night long and it kept the nightmares away.

When I was with Mister Jeon, the scary things that were in the past and continued to haunt me were swept away; as if they never existed in the first place.
A sleepy sound left my lips as I curled into a ball and nuzzled further into Mister Jeon's pillows and heavy silken duvet.

I only remember bits and pieces of him carrying me in his arms to his bedroom. Then, he tucked my body close to his and fell into a deep slumber.

With my bat-like hearing, I could detect low voices downstairs and distantly wondered what Mister Jeon could be doing.
Ultimately, my curiosity got the best of me so that I slipped out of Mister Jeon's huge bed and effortlessly made his bed as perfectly as I could before trotting down the stairs.

I held the railing with both hands, still sleepy, and licked my dry lips when the voices became more clear.

Recognizing a voice, my eyes lit up.

He's here already! Jeongsan!

I nearly tumbled down the rest of the stairs in my effort to greet my new friend and tutor.
A smile already seemed to have taken up the entirety of my face as I pranced into the dining room and found not only Mister Jeon — but Jeongsan and Mister Theo at the table, eating breakfast.

On the table before me laid a huge breakfast — that seemed to have everything I could have imagined there. Ever since I came to live here; Mister Jeon got an array of things for me to try and discover what I loved.
I smoothed my messy hair away from my face when the men in the room turned to stare at me.

Mister Jeon was stationed at the head of the table, looking as perfect and intoxicatingly handsome as ever. The huge man was, as always, dressed impeccably in his black suit and tie that matched the color of my eyes.

I flushed at the way his eyes sparkled when they met mine.

Jeongsan lips lifted in a lazy smirk as he eyed me up and down — making it very obvious where he was staring. And Mister Jeon caught his looks, to no one's surprise.

"Look away, Jeongsan." Mister Jeon scowled at the younger man, lasers shooting from his beautiful eyes, his jaw clenched tightly when Jeongsan sheepishly smiled and looked done at his plate.

"Hi, Jeongsan!" I waved happily, flouncing further into the room. I excitedly greeting Theo with a tiny hug before I hightailed it to Mister Jeon, who was awaiting me.

"Good Morning, Mister!" I giggled when he pulled his chair out slightly and let me crawl onto his lap and settle.

I do this a lot, since Mister Jeon told me he feels more comfortable with me near him.

My lips puckered out cutely and pressed a kiss on his cheek when his brows drew together and urged me to with two taps on his cheek.
I breathed in his comforting scent and looked around the table to see Theo snickering at Jeongsan's pouty expression.

Mister Jeon smirked and cupped my jaw in his hands to return the affection. I preened under his attention, couldn't help up flush with his ringed fingers caressed my cheeks.

"Good morning, baby." He muttered lowly, gently to me.

"I wouldn't try that, Park, if I were you. Gguk can only restrain himself so long." Theo chuckled and sent a wink to me, "Good Morning, Tesoro. I'm so very happy to see you again."

I was happy to hear Theo's heavily accent voice for the first time in what seemed like days. I missed seeing him and Arilie.

"I'm so happy to see you too, Mister Theo. How is Miss Arilie?"

Theo lit up at the mention of his wife and beamed back at me. "She's very well — and mentions you often. Arilie and I will visit soon."

"That sounds wonderful!" I clapped my hands happily, and turning around to thank Mister Jeon when he shared the food off his plate with me.

Flavors exploded within my mouth as he brought a spoon full of rice, seaweed, and kimchi to my lips to taste.

I nodded happily to him to let him know I love it.

Wasn't Mister Jeon good to me!

"So...is Jeongsan here to tutor me today, sir?" I asked after eating so much that I couldn't possibly eat anymore.

Mister Jeon gritted his teeth slightly and forced a smile.

"Yes, baby, he is." He cupped my cheek in one hand, "You'll be in the library. Sounds good, no?" His voice was deep and attentive, making tingles race up and down my legs.

"It's great," I nodded and hugged him, "Thank you, Mister Jeon."

The man chuckled against my head and petted my hair away from my face carefully, "No need to thank me for everything, my baby. Your happiness is my top priority. Theo and I will be in my office next door if you need me."

The two of us were talking quietly, in our own little world while Theo and Jeongsan traded looks, biting back smirks.

He observed my face as I lit up, "Okay! That sounds good!" I smiled widely, "Your happiness is my top priority, too, sir. Do I make you happy?" As much as you do me?

Mister Jeon's face softened and he licked at the silver hoops in his lips whilst tugging at his silver earrings in his ears. "You make me happy, darling. Never forget this, yes?"

"I won't." I promise.

My heart soared at the words and I almost felt myself tear up by how happy I was. How blessed I was.

Mister Jeon tugged at the tiny cami and shorts I was wearing with an odd look, eyes darkening with an unknown emotion when the backs of his fingers met the bare skin of my tummy.

"Before your lessons start...don't you want to change into one of your pretty little dresses?" He murmured, flicking his eyes downwards to meet my eyes.

Butterflied erupting within my soul at his soft looks, I agreed.

"Okay," I slid off his solid thigh and giggled loudly when his fingers teasingly tickled my sensitive ribs and shot away from him in a hurry.

While I was leaving the room, Mister Jeon's fade became blank as he turned his robust body towards Jeongsan and looked at the quivering man dead in the eye.

"You're not to fucking touch her, understood?" I gasped quietly at the pure dominance that leaked from his every pore. Mister Jeon showed no emotion, ice cold eyes never leaving Jeongsan's form.

I bit my lips to conceal my giggle at Jeongsan's fear and left the room.

Mister Jeon sure did know how to frighten people.

author's note ;

heyyyy guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

question : I wanted to ask if you guys wanted a shit ton of smut in act three? 'Cause i got like three ideas that for me simping like a hoe lmfaoo.
Please let me know!
Thanks in advance! ❤️✨

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