─ chapter eighteen ; family is a choice

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March 26th, 2024
Charleston, SC

"Thatta girl, Sol! You aced it!" Jeongsan praised, holding my math quiz in his hands. He extended his plan towards me in a high five, which I happily and eagerly smacked mine into. "I knew you could do it! Wasn't that hard, right?"

"Right!" I chirped back, my excitement getting too much for me when I yanked the quiz out his hands to analyze my perfect score.

Today Jeongsan gave me a paper to learn from and challenge my brain — this time, it was geometry.
A ninety-five — nearly a perfect score, if I do say so myself. I sent a prayer or thanks to the good lord above, and to Mama when I stood to my feet.

I hugged Jeongsan around the middle, so happy and grateful for him. I wouldn't have gotten this far without him.
Not only was my new friend helping me so much with my education — but he was also teaching and telling me things about the modern world and how things worked now than it did when I was little.

It was obvious to everyone around me...and too myself how oblivious I was.
I hoped to change that really soon! Mister Jeon would be proud of me! Right?

Jeongsan's dark eyes sparkled, "I'm so happy to help you, Sol. You see, this is what friends are for."

I nodded viciously, "Exactly! It's so wonderful to have friends now." My lips pouted out in thought. "Oh! I have to show Mister Jeon! I'll be right back." I cheered, so eager to please the man who had done so much for him.

I loved Mister Jeon very much. Much more than I ever thought possible to someone who wasn't blood.

But like Mister Jeon had told me back at the hospital, family is a choice. And I chose him and he chose me.

My teacher raked a hand through his dyed hair and pursed his lips, "Y'know what? How 'bout you and I go out for ice cream to celebrate your progress! Oh— and maybe we can stop by the nail salon to get your nails done. Hana wants to meet you." Jeongsan said fondly, bright white teeth showing happily as he thought of his girlfriend.

I gasped loudly, "Really?"

This would be so fun!

"I would love to — oh," I stopped shortly, biting at my lips, "But I have to tell Mister Jeon, he likes me to stay close to him so nothing happens to me."

A sly smirk slid across Jeongsan's face at my mention of Mister Jeon. "He'll let you go, Sol. Just tell him you're gonna hang out with me, Hana, and my mom."

I get to meet Jeongsan's mom? This is such great news!

"Okay!" I nodded brightly, clutching my test within my tiny fists. "I'll go tell Mister Jeon! I'll be back in a minute!"

The words barely left my mouth and I was already running out of the large library to Mistee Jeon's office across the hall.

"Mister Jeon!" I knocked three times quickly, toes wiggling on excitement.

I brightened up considerably when I heard his amused rumble within the office. "Come on in, baby."

I repressed a shiver at the deepness of his words and giggled dazedly. Without needing further instructions, I threw open the door and pranced inside the room happily.

Mister Jeon was alone in his big dark office. He was seated behind his big mahogany desk — dressed as immaculate as ever. His dark wavy hair was brushed out of his face, exposing his blemishless forehead and gleaming eyes.

His glasses were perfectly perched on the bridge of his strong nose, and he peered at me from behind them. Today, Mister Jeon was wearing all silver jewelry, with the exception of his signet ring, the one that was a replica of the one I wore every single day.

He smiled so gently at me and pushed his chair back from the desk and took me within the confines of his huge arms. Letting me perch on his knee, I pecked his cheek in greeting.

"You look very handsome today, sir! Did I ever tell you that?" I giggled when smug satisfaction crossed his chiseled features. He pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheek and chuckled.

"No, sweet baby. I thank you. You're so sweet." he gave smooches to my face ever so gently and stroked along my bare leg. Thigh to shin.

"Your beauty far outshines my own." He delighted in the sound of my shy laughter, bringing his tattooed, ringed hand to pet my hair away from my face.

I flushed a bright red at his words and preened up at him. He was the epitome of perfection in my eyes.

Nothing could ever ruin my image of him, right?

"Look," I eagerly passed him my graded quiz and trembled in trepidation for his response.

Mister Jeon hummed and pulled me closer while he inspected the paper in his huge hand. I grabbed his free hand, and traced over the tattoo of his last name inked across his knuckles. I never failed to find his tattoos the most attractive thing ever.

I once again felt the urge to nibble on his hands and flushed when I realized what I was about to do.

Mister Jeon's eyebrows rose, impressed, once he read over the paper. "This is very good, baby. You did so great." I felt my chest puff out in pride at his words. He placed his forehead against my own and pecked the top of my nose. "I'm very proud of you."

I felt like I would cry.

This was all I'd ever wanted! He was proud of me! I could now die happily.

I flushed at his words and hugged him carefully around his strong neck. He placed his hands on my lower back, near my bottom, and caressed me.

"Thank you," I smiled happily, "Jeongsan's very happy at my progress, sir!" I prattled, not noticing Mister Jeon still at my mention of my teacher. "He wants to go out and get ice cream and my nails done by his girlfriend to celebrate! Can I go? Please!?" I begged sweetly, clasping my hands together.

Mister Jeon's hands tightened and released around my hips. He didn't say anything and I was beginning to grow nervous.

"Sir?" I piped up hesitantly, "Can I go?" My tiny fingers came up and curled around the top of his crisp white undershirt.

Mister Jeon sighed lowly and clenched his jaw, not yet looking into my eyes.

Suddenly, he clasped my face in one of his hands, nearly taking up my entire face and looking into my eyes; soft, yet so stern and commanding.

"You can go if you wish," his shoulders tensed, gleaming eyes staring into my own. I breathed out happily, bringing his attention to my lips for a split second.

"But," he paused for effect, "If you feel uncomfortable, I want you to call me." He reached behind me and withdrew a sleek white phone — a replica of his own — and placed it in my hands. "You promise?"

Mister Jeon searched my eyes, holding me close.

"Yes," I agreed without wasting a second. "I promise! Thank you, sir!" I clutched the phone in my hand, reassuring him.

A satisfied smirk crossed Mister Jeon's lips at my obedience. He pecked my cheek slowly and pulled me impossibly closer.

"Good baby." He hummed, seemingly unwilling to allow me to leave his side.

author's note ;

almost to the end of act twooooo heheh 😈

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