─ chapter twenty ; his primal desire

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March 27th, 2024
Charleston, SC

As Napoleon Hill once said, Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination, persistence, and creative ability unknown to them at other times. So strong and impelling is the desire for sexual contact that men freely run the risk of life, morals, and reputation to indulge it.

But Jungkook wouldn't allow his primal desire to have Solaris in all ways. Not yet. She wasn't ready. He wasn't ready. But she was his to ruin.

In time.

Jungkook knew he was no saint — far fucking from it. He never claimed to be. But he would be fucking damned if he let his desires overtake his logical mind.

To Solaris and for Solaris; he would be even better than a saint. Far better.

Only for her, though.

That is what he strives to be in her eyes. He'd give anything and everything for her. Always. There wasn't anything in this world he wouldn't give to his sun. The light that brightened up his dark world. He would never again experience that same darkness he had before he was gifted with meeting her.

And since that day. Jungkook had tried his best to make her happy. He loved how sweet and innocent she was. How kind and understanding she was. How unconditionally beautiful she was.

Jungkook had seen millions of beautiful women in his life (fucked some of them), and no one compared to his Solaris.
He couldn't get enough of her. Never. Always wanting to cuddle her, let her cling to him, getting to pinch and kiss her chubby cheeks.

He reveled in how submissive she was towards him — but he never took it too far. He respected his baby too much to control her.

Every time she looked up at him with those gorgeous eyes – all big, doll-like, and gleaming, he wanted to fall onto his knees before her and worship the ground Solaris walked on.

He was a man of complete control and intelligence. Yet, when surrounded by Solaris, he was anything but.
It took all the willpower inside his body to keep up his composure.

She was a goddess – his goddess. And he was her mere disciple, eager and willing to go above and beyond to please her.

He knew he was in far too deep to back out now. Theo and Arlie — those assholes — were right all along. He would never back out. No matter what. Solaris was his, and he was hers. She just didn't know that. Yet. Soon.

Jungkook would admit this is the first time in his life that he was happy that someone, instead of him, had been correct.

Solaris had changed him into a better man.

─ nepenthe ; jjkWhere stories live. Discover now