─ chapter nineteen ; my sun

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March 26th, 2024
Charleston, SC

I looked around the area surrounding me in wonder.

How glorious!

This place, the ice cream shop, seemed so familiar to me. I knew I must have visited this place with my Mama years ago. I held the days I had with her close to my heart. 

A sense of comfort overwhelmed my body when Jeongsan and Hana – who I had just met at the nail shop – took a seat at the booth in the corner after placing our orders.

I grinned happily and took a seat on the opposite booth with a bounce in my step, excited to have my first taste of ice cream in literal years. I think the last time I had the icy treat was before my Mama had passed away.

I picked strawberries and cream – a personal favorite of mine that I still surprisingly remembered after all these years. I was grateful to still have the memory of it.

"Mom should be here soon," Jeongsan grinned, catching me admiring my pastel pink nails that Hana had spent her time doing. I blushed at their grinning faces and giggled lightly. "She'll love you."

Hana scrunched up her delicate features, yet her almond eyes glittered in amusement. Tossing back her lavender colored hair, she snorted. "She'll just hide it, Sol. Ophelia Park is a hard woman to please." she cringed making Jeongsan cackle.

"True," he hesitantly agreed with a small wince, "She's just protective of me."

I nodded, feeling my tummy drop and nervousness well up inside of me. What if she hated me? I gulped at the thought. Hana and Jeongsan continued to speak of his mother while I just silently listened in – nerves growing the longer I waited.

Once our ice creams arrived, I ate mine with a growing smile, slowly relaxing.

The tiktoking sound of heels meeting the linoleum floor made me look up to be met with a severe looking older woman – looking near the age as Mister Jeon – maybe even a little bit older – with short black hair that shines beautifully underneath the lights. Her lips were held into a stiff smile and painted a bright red, drawing attention to her pillow-like lips.

Perfectly dressed, the woman in front of me was drop dead gorgeous.

Her looks weren't what shocked me.

It was the fact that I recognized the women in front of me.

"Dr. Park?" I squeaked, out of breath as I came face to face with the women who had been over my health and care during my hospital visit.

Dr. Park's beautiful face fell a split second when she recognized me, and then slipped back into her icy persona.

"Miss. Vesper, I didn't expect to meet...you again."

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