Chapter 15

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Keefe pulled into the parking lot of the airport.

"Here we go" Sophie said, peering at the building. "Hawaii."
Keefe stared into the distance, lost in thought.

"Keefe? You ok?" Sophie asked him.

"Sophie...I don't know." Keefe said, without taking his eyes away.

"Don't know what?"

"If this is...a good idea. And...what to do."

"Keefe...what other choice do we have? Your dad is going to kill Monty. sure we'll figure out what to do. We can do this."

Keefe tore his eyes away from wherever he was staring and looked Sophie in the eyes.
"I hope you're right."

They leaned forward slowly and kissed for a while. Sophie felt happy. Happy that she could have this new chance, happy she still had Keefe. He could've left without her, but he didn't.

Keefe felt happy and worried. If anything bad happened, it would be his fault. But he was also happy he had Sophie. He had liked her for a while, and he now had her.

But, happy things don't always last.

The passenger car door opened and Sophie tumbled out onto the hard pavement. She cried out when her head met the cement. Her eyes rolled up in her head as she slipped into unconsciousness.

Keefe stared, wide eyed, at Sophie. His gaze darted upward until finally resting on the face of Cassius.
"Keefe Cassius Sencen." Keefe's father said. Keefe winced when Cassius said his full name. He hated his middle name. You can tell why.

"What did you do to Sophie?" Keefe growled.
Cassius glanced down at Sophie.
He doesn't care about her. Keefe thought bitterly.

"Yes. Sorry about that. But I need to explain."

"Explain what?!" Keefe shouted.

Cassius winced. "Im not going to stop you. But...I need you to know that I wasn't going to kill Monty." He paused, waiting for Keefe to say something, to object. But Keefe was interested now.

"When your mother and I first got married, we adopted a puppy just like Monty. We named him Milo. When I saw Monty, it brought back...memories of your mother. I-I cant stand it.." Tears threatened to pour down his cheeks. "So...I said I would get rid of Monty. But I wouldn't kill him. The neighbours are looking for a dog. I thought...I could give them one. Monty. must love him very much. And Sophie. not going to stop you. You can both go. Its about time I move on from your mother. Its just...she was...amazing."

Cassius turned around and left before anyone could see the tears that were sliding silently down his cheeks.
Keefe stared in shock at his father. He wasn't going to kill Monty?

Keefe's eyes flitted down and he winced. Sophie looked terrible. Blood oozed from a big wound in her head.

Keefe got out the car quickly. There wasn't much he could do for her. He knew nothing about treating wounds. He crouched next to her and helped her into a sitting position. He ripped some fabric off the bottom of his pants and pressed it to Sophie's head. He almost fainted when it instantly soaked through with blood.

He didn't like the look of blood.

Monty ran circles around him and Iggy squawked loudly while he attempted to fix the wound.

"Are you ok?" A voice said from behind him.
He turned around, and locked eyes with the lady from the pet shop.

What was her name again? Keefe thought. Ellie? Amanda? No...Edaline.

Standing beside her was a man, possibly her husband, Grady.

The mans eyes widened when he saw Sophie.
"Woah. Are you alright there?"

"Umm...not really. She fell out, and I don't know what to do." Keefe said.

Grady just smiled.
"Im a vet. I've seen a lot of cuts like that on animals. She'll live, but we've got to get that treated properly."

Grady gently picked Sophie up. Keefe didn't like the way her head lolled to one side.

"Im Grady. This my wife, Edaline. Come with us. We'll get her fixed up. What are your names?" Grady asked.

"Im Keefe...and this is Sophie. We've met Edaline at the pet shop." Keefe picked up Iggy and Monty.

Edaline nodded at him.
"We'll miss our flight." She said to Grady.

"Yes, sure we can drive there. Or catch a different flight." Grady said.
Edaline nodded slowly.
"I'll tell them." She took out her phone.

"Come with us, Keefe. We'll help you." Grady said.

So Grady and Edaline started leading the way to their car.

Just a quick little note, my other sister has started a book. Its called 'what if we never met'. Its based on the Nevermoor books, which I haven't read. So I don't know much about the story. Its not an au, so it does have spoilers! She says its a 'morrijack' story, and I honestly have no clue what that means. But, if you have read the books and know what 'morrijack' is, go check it out! Just click on my profile.

Upside Down World - SoKeefe auWhere stories live. Discover now