Chapter 16

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Keefe watched as Grady bandaged Sophie's head. She was still asleep. Grady and Edaline had taken them to their house. And their house...

It was huge.

They owned a four story house with a lot of land. Most of the land was occupied by horses, cows, sheep, and other animals Keefe couldn't name.

On the wall were pictures of Grady, Edaline, and another person that was probably their daughter.

"Is that your daughter?" Keefe asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence and pointing to the picture.

"Oh...yes, that's Jolie. She was our daughter."
Grady said and looked down. Keefe could see that they were fighting back tears.

"Was...? Oh."

"She died in a fire a couple of years ago. We've tried adopting, but...nothing is the same." Edaline said and burst into tears. Grady rushed to comfort her.
The noise woke Sophie.

"K-keeeey-?" Sophie mumbled when she saw him.
"Sophie! You're awake! Do you- do you remember?" Keefe stuttered.

"Y-yeah. I fell..."

"Do you know who we are?"

Sophie's eyebrows furrowed together. "Keefe. E-Edaline. And....I don't know you."

"I'm Grady. And you got it all correct." Grady said. Edaline had calmed down now.

"Why were you crying?" Sophie asked Edaline.

Edaline took a deep breath. "My daughter...Jolie. We were just talking about her. She a fire."
"Oh. Have you tried adopting?"

"We have, but..."

"But it's not the same. I know. My parents died a couple days ago.'s the reason we're in this mess." Sophie smiled weakly and Grady and Edaline shared that weird eyebrow raising communicating-through-their-minds thing that all adults do.

"And have you...considered being adopted?" Grady asked slowly. Keefe realised what they meant by that.
They wanted to adopt Sophie.

Wait...what? No! They can't adopt Sophie! What if they take her away from me? What if-

Stop it, Keefe. She can do what she wants. She'll never be separated from you. Never.

But what if she is?? Grady and Edaline said they were going somewhere! What if that somewhere is far away?

It was probably just for a vacation.

But- but- what if they go there and realise that they really like the place?! They'll move there, with Sophie, and I'll never see her-



Keefe's mind battled when he figured it out. He was scared. He didn't want to take Sophie to Hawaii, because he didn't know what would happen there. However, he also wanted to take her there because he could escape. Escape his dad, his school, everything. Sophie could escape her lack of parents. It would be a fresh start.

A fresh start.

Sophie could get that if Grady and Edaline adopted her. She wanted it. She wanted them to adopt her. In the very, very back of her mind, she didn't want to go to Hawaii. She didn't want to leave her school, her friends. And she was scared. Scared of going to Hawaii, yes. But also...


...kinda scared of Keefe. What he had done at the Vackers house had scared her. She had never seen him like that. He was a trouble maker, but he always tried to cover it up.
Uhm...most of the time.
Still...he had been so out of character. He never made fun of Fitz. They hung out together.
What had happened?

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. School has just started again (😩) so I may be slower than usual at updating. I'm thinking of finishing the book soon. I know how it ends, I just...need to get there, if you know what I mean. Anyway, please vote, comment, whatever! Byee

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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