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I'm back with another part of the story!

I hope you enjoy it <3

It's been a couple of days. 

And yet Sophie STILL can't figure out how to escape the castle. Not that she wants to leave.

She had just made a new friend, Keefe, the guy with the messy blonde hair and cute personality.  If she left the castle, she might forget about Keefe, and Sophie wouldn't do that.

Sophie COULDN'T do that.

Especially when they had so many adventures together.

Even though it had been only a couple days since she found herself in this very place.

Sophie still remembered yesterday night...

Suddenly, with a flash, a portal appeared in her bedroom that she was getting used to.

"Wait.. no, that can't be.." Sophie stuttered, realizing that the portal led to the Lost Cities. 

She had memorized the way the Lost Cities portal looked a long time ago in her textbook. Her textbook had all of the Lost Cities' secrets and treasures listed- except for the Neverseen's hideouts or secret code names they use. 

But.. Sophie's never witnessed a real portal before. How weird. Why would a portal just magically appear inside her bedroom?

Sophie was just grateful the portal was there. Otherwise, how would she make it back home safely? She had no clue of how to get out of the ginormous castle. She couldn't seem to find an exit at all. 

Now she got how Keefe felt when his father put traps all around his house just to prevent him from leaving.

If she went into the portal, though, and left the castle behind, Keefe would be wondering where she went. She wouldn't want to leave him behind. She just couldn't.

Sophie just sat there on her bed, contemplating her life choices, when Keefe burst in. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately. She wondered why. (A/N: I kept Sophie in character ;) but why does she always have to be darn oblivious? T-T)

"Heya Foster! Just wanted to check on y- WOAH..." Keefe trailed off, and he seemed to be staring intensely into the portal.

Sophie had looked at the portal that way too, as if it had all the answers to space. But she kinda wished Keefe would look at her like that. Wait.. did she like Keefe? That wasn't possible. She likes Fitz, right?

"Hi, Keefe. So uhm- I know this is the wrong time to say these things, but uhm- I actually come from the Lost Cities, and I don't belong in the castle.. so I have to go back using this portal, which happened to appear here just 2 minutes ago."

Her friend looked shocked at first. Then he looked sad. Almost teary, even. 

"I'm sorry," she added. Goodbyes were always so hard. She knew the feeling of sadness when she had to leave her family behind and start a whole new life as an elf. 

Keefe and Sophie sat in searing silence for a while. Every minute was painful.

Then, out of nowhere, Keefe brightened up. "I'm so stupid! I could just come with you into the portal! That way I don't have to deal with Daddy Dearest anymore and we could still see each other!" He bounced excitetly as the idea sank into Sophie's mind.

Why couldn't she think of that before? 

"Come on then! What are we waiting for?" She grinned, and ignored the tingly feeling of Keefe's touch when he held her hand. They then carefully stepped into the portal, hand in hand.

Both teenagers did not know what magic the portal would give them, or what to imagine when they arrived in the Lost Cities.

But they will.


Hehe I made you scroll a lot (and gave you another cliffhanger) >:) I'm so evil.

This part was kinda short.. but I think I did better on this part than all my other parts. I don't know.. what do you think?

I'm going to leave you to imagine what Keefe and Sophie will go through in the portal, because I have to finish the next part ;)



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