Perspectives: Ch.17

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I probably spent the whole previous night staring at my hut's ceiling, because I couldn't recall getting a single ounce of sleep.

All I could think about was how I had kissed Newt. Well- it was only on the cheek, but still. What was I thinking?

He probably got really weirded out by that. I mean, we were pretty good friends before that in my opinion. Most people don't give their friends kisses the last time I checked.

So my plan was to just keep my distance for a while. Let this silly little crush fade, then hopefully become friends with Newt again as if nothing happened. It's not like I was actually in love with him. I should keep my focus on trying to escape the Maze anyway.


Just when I thought I might get a little rest before the official wake-up time, there was a knock at my door.

"Wakey wakey, Ally! Time to get up you lazy shank!"

Great, Noah.

"It's literally not even 6 in the morning yet, and I haven't gotten any sleep still, so can I just have a few minutes of peace, kid?!"

"What's that I hear? You want me to come in? Alright, if you say so."

Before I could refuse, Noah was already hovering above my face as I laid in bed, with his blonde curls looking a bit bc frizzy.

"Minho told me some pretty interesting stuff that happened, and I think we need to have a little debriefing session."

"It's too early for this nonsense." I mumbled, getting out from my covers.

"We need to talk about things now before Minho goes into the Maze, so hurry!"


I ended up getting practically dragged to the kitchen, only to be met with a frustrated-looking Minho and a smug-faced Fry.

"So, Wonderland, care to explain what the shuck happened last night?"

"Dude, you're asking me as if I even know! I have no clue what that was."

"But you like Newt, that's confirmed." Frypan said, raising his eyebrows.

I stuttered a bit before managing to come up with a half-decent answer, "Fine! Yeah, I guess I do. It's only a small crush though, so no biggie. It'll go away soon enough."

"Woah, woah, hold on there. You're not gonna try dating him?"

"He's my friend, not my boyfriend. Plus, I feel like it'll cause some drama considering how most people here treat me. It's just a safer option to not get involved in those sorts of things."

Minho looked like he was about to lose the little sanity he had remaining.

"Alice, with all due respect- you literally kissed him. You've gotta get it together. Either like him and don't make a move, or commit to it, jeez."

"Also a quick reminder Ally, but we're a bunch of kids living in a death maze, so it's probably a good idea to date someone while you can. That's all I'm saying, as a self-appointed rizzler."



"C'mon guys, slim it! I get that we're in the kitchen, but it doesn't mean that there's sound-proof walls around us." exclaimed Fry.

I guess Noah and I kind of had a thing for starting to yell out of nowhere.

Once again, Minho looked like he'd rather get eaten by a Griever than deal with this whole situation.

"Whatever, you noisy shanks. I gotta go run."

Just like that, Minho took one last bite of his breakfast and disappeared.

"You should've seen how annoyed Minho was last night, Alice." Fry chuckled, "The dude just kept on complaining."

"I bet he did," I muttered.


Newt's POV

(Written in present tense)

It's been pretty long and tiring day, but that's typical for us Gladers. One thing that wasn't so typical, however, was the fact that Alice didn't even look at me once.

Did we talk all the time and cling to each other 24/7? No, sadly not. Yet, I was at least expecting her to say something to me. Maybe even look at me.

Jeez, all this is making me sound desperate. It's just that Alice is really nice to be around, and to be honest, I'm proud of her. That might sound silly, but I remember not too long ago- almost two months- when she had arrived in the Box. When Gally jumped down inside and scared the hell out of the poor girl who couldn't even remember her own name.

She seemed shy at first, which I have to admit was pretty cute. But it's even more admirable how now I get to see her grow into herself more. Alice seems to have gained some confidence. I like that. Despite what a lot of the boys have to say about her, she doesn't let it get to her. And when it does get to her, she isn't afraid to let her emotions show.

Some people may see that as a weakness, but I see it as a strength. I wish I could've learned to do that sooner. Maybe I wouldn't have my stupid limp.

Speaking of which, I'm glad she hasn't asked about it. Not that it's a huge deal or anything, but it's the little things, you know?

Oh, and how could I forget? She kissed me yesterday! On the cheek- but still! It's crazy how such a little thing could drive me insane. Everything from the way she tilted her head slightly when listening to me, to the attentive look in her eyes whenever I spoke. I loved it all.

Minho's been trying to convince me that I'm in love with her too, but I still think I should wait to get to know her better first. Especially after Alice had an attack or whatever- moments before I was about to hint at my feelings for her. Maybe it was a sign to give it some more time.

Besides, how could I even be sure if she likes me back or not? There's definitely some mixed signals. Alice has hugged me a couple of times- which I haven't really seen her do with anyone else. Then of course there's the kiss on the cheek, but she hasn't talked to me since that. So she probably sees me as a friend. Otherwise she would probably give more direct signs. Friends can give each other kisses on the cheek, right?

No, Minho would never do that. However, he has been saying that Alice is "in severe denial", and that I should be patient with her.

Although that might drive me as crazy as the Changing, I don't mind. I'll wait for her as long as needed without a single complaint.

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