Conversations: Ch. 26

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"Good morning, sweetheart." Newt said softly into my ear.

My eyes began to flutter open, being met with his gorgeous brown ones.

"Hi, Newt." I smiled sleepily. I felt so comfortable and warm from lying on his chest, his arm holding me close and keeping me secure.

He let out a quiet chuckle and pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "You look absolutely adorable right now. And all the time, but especially now."

"Was I dreaming, or did everything last night really happen?" I whispered.

The last thing I remembered, Newt and I became official and he was kissing me. Then we must have fallen asleep together.

"It wasn't a dream, love." he laughed. "All that really happened. I'm yours, and you're mine."

Just the way he phrased that sentence brought me so much joy, and I was barely even awake. Newt placed a light kiss on my forehead and sat up in my bed. "Now, I know today's supposed to be a regular working day, but I think I can pull some strings to let us spend more time together, yeah?"

"That sounds amazing, I'm tired from all the chaos yesterday anyways." I agreed.


Alby was hesitant to give us a free day at first, but once Newt told him the reason why- he agreed instantly.

Apparently word of Newt and I spread quickly, so Frypan was extra and decided to serve pancakes for breakfast. Honestly, I had no clue how he managed to do that, but I certainly respected him for it.

"You two definitely took longer than 10 minutes for that dare." Noah scoffed as we sat down at a table with him. He was eating breakfast with Chuck, who looked like he was scarfing down his last meal on Earth. It was pancakes though, so I couldn't blame him.

"Yeah well, Alice and I take Truth or Dare very seriously, so we made sure to completely fulfill that dare." Newt smiled.

"So like," Chuck started with a full mouth, "you guys are together?"

"Mhm, he's my boyfriend." I answered, trying to hide my proud smile. "And he's Second-In-Command." I whispered, giving Chuck a teasing grin.

His eyes widened, "Woah, how'd you pull him then?"

"How could she not have? Just look at her. Plus, my girlfriend's also a Keeper, so have that in mind when talking to her." Newt replied.

Newt and I both knew that our jobs really didn't have that much significance, since we were all in this together, but it was funny to see the look on Chuck's face get gradually more amazed.

"They're not all that, Chuck." Noah interrupted. "Especially not Alice. She's pretty weird, you know."

"But didn't you say that she's actually really cool-" Chuck started.


Let's just say that the rest of that breakfast was pure entertainment.


"So, I know you spend a lot of time busy with the Maze, but tell me something else about yourself."

Newt had brought me to go on a walk with him in the woods, nice and far away from all the other Gladers. He said he wanted us to get to know each other better. I guess you could say this was our first date.

"Hm, what do you wanna know? My favorite color?" I asked.

"Already know it." he chuckled. "Pink, but only when it comes to your clothing. Everything else, purple."

I slowed down my pace for a second. Honestly, I didn't think he would know that. It wasn't like I was one of those crazy people who made everything their favorite color, so he must've been paying close attention.

"Shuck, you're right." I smiled. "Now I feel bad for not knowing yours."

Newt laughed. "Don't worry, love. It's yellow."

"Ahh, and why's that?"

"It's pretty stupid actually. When I first came up the Box and met Minho, he was walking around with a sunflower crown on his head. I don't know if it was a dare or if he genuinely thought it made him look good, but that's the first good memory I have. Yellow reminds me of it."

I immediately started giggling at the image of a little Minho with a sunflower crown popping up into my head. I would definitely use this information to blackmail him if I needed to.

"That's not stupid, that's hilarious. And to think I used to find Minho annoying makes it even funnier."

"You used to find Minho annoying?" Newt asked.

"Yeah, don't tell him though. But now that I think about it- I probably made it really obvious."

"Oh no, you definitely did." he grinned. "But I was just making sure, since I agree with that statement."

That only made us laugh harder.

"Okay, okay," I said, getting myself together, "I think it's time you tell me something more serious about yourself. Not about the hair gel guy."

"Would it count as something about myself if I told you about how I knew I wanted you to be my girlfriend?"

"No...but I'll make an exception."

"Great. So, I've liked you since we first met, but something just hit me that one morning when I saw you in Fry's kitchen. When you were trying the tea and coffee, remember?"

My mind immediately went back to my first day off of work in the Glade.

"Oh yeah, I remember feeling weird when you called me cute. Good weird, not bad. That would be really weird." I rambled, somehow feeling nervous from simply a memory.

Newt smiled and put his arm around my waist, pulling me to walk closer with him. He even slowed down to match my walking speed, since we had almost a ten inch height difference.

"I could listen to your voice all day, you know that?" he muttered, looking down at me.

Before I could even think of a response, he had already kissed me. I didn't mind whatsoever.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙑𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora