The Changing's Flashbacks: Ch. 19

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"Mariana, Mariana look at me." begged a girl with big dark eyes and brown hair, seemingly around nine years old.

"No, no, no." I sobbed, still continuing to repeat the word "no" between gasps. I was in a state of shock and panic all at once.

"You have to be quiet." she whispered shakily.

"But they took him!"

My body was rocking back and forth with my knees pulled up to my tiny body. I must have been around seven years old.

The sobbing never quieted, and the girl in front of me jumped as soldiers entered the dark basement we were in.

"There's the one we missed." one of the men said, "Get the younger girl. Other one's not immune."

The masked soldiers with guns- probably about 5 of them, quickly made their way towards my direction. The girl quickly stood in front of me protectively.

"Please, you already took our brother. Just let her stay." she pleaded, looking more stressed than any nine year old should ever have to be.

The girl which I now assumed to be my sister, received nothing more than a punch in the stomach as a response. Once she fell to the ground in pain, two of the soldiers grabbed me by the arms. I thrashed around screaming so loudly that my throat burned.

"LET. ME. GO." I yelled, attempting to scratch at the soldiers. It was no use though, considering they were covered from head-to-toe in their suit.

Just as I was being carried out from the crappy place I apparently called home, I shouted one last thing to the girl.



"Let's try this again. What is your name?" asked a man who held a remote. He has a name tag on him. Randall.

The room was white. Very white, besides for the few wires that were wrapped around my body. I had been strapped down into a chair, barely able to move a muscle.

"Mariana." I muttered angrily, glaring at the man.

"Wrong again."

Then he pressed a button on the remote, sending an immediate wave of hot and burning pain through my body. I squirmed in the chair and hurt my wrists and ankles in the process, screaming in agony.

When it cooled down a bit, he spoke again.

"You know, Alice, you have been our most stubborn subject yet. It's been..." he glanced at his watch, "Twenty-one hours that we've been playing this little game. It's really not worth trying to fight us. You can just accept your new name, Alice, and the pain will all be over. Nice and simple."

"You call kidnapping and torturing kids nice and simple? You're a pathetic idiot." I snapped, still trying to catch my breath and recover from the pain.

Once again, the man pressed his remote. The more he made me suffer, the more anger I felt flooding through my veins.

This process repeated over and over again until my mind started to fog from exhaustion.

As for the man, his expression had gone from one of frustration to confusion. Maybe even a hint of fear.

"Forty-six hours straight, kid. Our longest record here at WCKD. You shouldn't be able to withstand that. I'm calling the doctor."

Randall left the room in a hurry and later returned with a woman. Her blonde hair made her match perfectly with the white environment.

"Hello, Alice. My name is Dr. Paige." she said calmly.

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