Keep Going

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I just wanted to be happy
But sometimes I just end up feeling empty
I don't know what's wrong with me
I feel like there's something missing in me

I don't understand this feeling
I feel like I'm tired of living
I used to enjoy my own company
But now now I just end up feeling lonely

I don't know but I find it so funny
I sometimes just want to stay in bed feeling so lazy
I would sometimes just spend hours on sleep
That way I won't be able to weep

But it's so inevitable that sometimes I would wake up crying
I would not hold myself and just acknowledge the feeling
That way I could lessen the heaviness in my heart because of the pain
Just like the way the clouds pour its rain

We don't have to avoid nor deny the feeling
We just have to find our own way of coping
We sometimes get tired of everything
But we have to always find a way to keep going


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