Chapter 24

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"But this isn't the reality." I said before looking at him before I smile. "You are not real, you are just my imagination, I am much stronger than you are." I push him hard and a smoke came up again..

I sighed in relief....everything was so dark until I saw some light... I walked toward it.

As I approached the light, it grew brighter, illuminating a path that seemed to lead into another place. Curiosity and determination fueled my steps, pushing me forward despite the uncertainty. With each stride, the darkness behind me faded.

As I emerged from the shadows, I found myself in a breathtaking garden bathed in ethereal moonlight. Flowers of every color bloomed around me, their petals shimmering with an otherworldly glow. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of blossoms, and a gentle breeze carried whispers of enchantment.

"Isn't this the palace garden?" i said while looking around. "Am I back in the palace?"

"Hera?" I heard someone called me from behind.

"Sunghoon? What are you doing here?" I ask when I saw him walking toward me.

"Aren't you at the King's room? How did you get in the garden fast?" He said while looking confused.

"It's a long story but am I really in the palace?" He just look at me weirdly like he was judging me because of what i said.

"It's pretty obvious that you're in the palace hera." he said before he walked away.

I heard a voice in my head after sunghoon left. "You survive, you are now free, the impostor is already gone." I also saw some dark smoke came out of me, I feel light after the smoke came out.

I hurriedly run toward the palace and goes to the King.. I knock before I emter his room.. I was worried that the impostor might do something bad before it vanished,

"I thought you will rest that's why you hurriedly left, why are you in a hurry does something happen?" the king ask when he saw me..

"I just thought i forgot something I'll get going now you're majesty I will be back early in the morning you should rest it's already late at night." I said before I left his room.

While walking on the hallway i saw a familiar figure standing on the end. He looks like he was running and looking for someone.

When his eyes met mine, he run towards me and hug me tight.

"We survive,you did well." He said before he kissed my forehead. A relief was seen on his face."I thought I lost you, when I goes out of the room I couldn't find you in the palace ." He continue.

"I goes to the king room to check if the impostor did something bad." I explain to him. He just nod at me .

As Ni-ki held me in his embrace, I felt a wave of gratitude wash over me, knowing that we both survive going out of the dark tower. The only problem now is that who's the dark mage who put dark magic here in the palace.

"If the palace has a dark magic , we need to find the dark mage who put the magic here." I said while looking at him.

"No need, I already know who it was." He said before he pat my head.

"And who is it?" I didn't make anyone character here as a dark mage except for Jay.

"Lusi, the high priest wanted her to become my wife so they can have enough power, she has a blood of a dark mage, i did a research on her, her divine power is actually a dark power and not a holy one." He said before he hold my hand tightly.

"H-how did you know it?" Even I the main author of this novel I didn't know she has a dark mage blood? What's happening here?

"I heard her and the high priest talking about wanting power and them having a dark blood the day before they wanted me to become Lusi's fiance ,at first I don't believe in it since I might misheard it ." My eyes widen so it was the day I first transmitted here.

"Why do you keep quiet?" I ask.

"As a future leader I don't want anyone to be scared, even if it means my life is at danger." He said before he smile at me.

"I can't believe Lusi would do something like this," I murmured, my mind racing with the implications of Ni-ki's discovery. This isn't the character that I made. That's not the female lead that I wanted.

"We should rest now, this is a tiring day for us, I know you are tired ." He walked beside me, our room are just a little near to each other so I goes to my room first.

Before I close my door I heard him called my name ."Hera, I meant everything that I said, I like you and you are my person." He said before he walked away.

As I stood in my room, the events of the day replayed in my mind like a tumultuous storm. The revelation about Lusi shook me to the core, casting doubt on everything I thought I knew about the people around me.

His confession took me by surprise, catching me off guard in a way I hadn't anticipated. I had always seen him as someone that I crafted in a story that I wanted to protect, But now, his words left me grappling with a newfound uncertainty, unsure of how to navigate the complexities of our relationship. We both lived in different world... could I allow myself to entertain the possibility of something more? With the weight of our duties pressing down upon us, could we afford to explore the depths of our feelings amidst the turmoil that threatened to tear our world apart?

As I pondered these questions, a sense of longing tugged at my heart, urging me to embrace the warmth of Ni-ki's affection. I know even if I didn't notice it before my heart already soften for him.

Closing my eyes, I allowed myself to bask in the memory of Ni-ki's words, the sincerity in his voice echoing in the recesses of my mind. His a villain no more he will be the best male lead whom will be full of love.

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