3|Bite; Ayan/Akk.

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Generally, Ayan is annoying and Akk reached a point in his life of no return where he accepted it. At worst, Ayan pouts and makes puppy dog eyes that Akk can't resist. The flirting has potentially increased since they started dating and that is not so annoying in itself, it is annoying only when they are really unexpected, like in the middle of chemistry class where Ayan told him that he dedicated the elements of: Iodine, Latinum, Oxygen, Vanadium, Ethereum, Yttrium, Oxygen and Uranium in that order.

Akk spent two minutes searching for each element to find out exactly what Ayan wanted to tell him.

I love you, Ayan told him I love you.

Akk was red-faced for the rest of class.

Still, that's not even remotely something that bothers Akk, he really liked it, but he'll never tell that to Ayan.

Akk hates Ayan biting him. Because it is more unexpected than sudden kisses or flirts. Ayan has never cared where and when he bites him.

Bites during sex are the most common, Akk always had the marks of his boyfriend's teeth on his thighs, calves, shoulders or neck. Sometimes Ayan bites him during the night when they go to sleep and other times...

"Can you pay attention, shortsport?" Akk whispers, looking at his boyfriend for a moment. Ayan had been playing with his hand for half the class.

Akk knows that Ayan is the best in English, his uncle was an English teacher (and the best teacher) and Ayan spent his entire life speaking English, so Akk doesn't worry about Ayan's grades, but he needs a break because his hands were going to start getting sweaty from nerves if Ayan keeps touching him.

After Thua brought his relationship to light, there was no need to hide it, everyone knew that they are together, although Akk still feels embarrassed to be very affectionate in public. Akk can allow it in the hallways and recesses, because since he quit the prefect club, he has a lot of free time and Akk didn't remember how liberating it was to not be a prefect, and he always spends recesses and lunch with Ayan.

But this is different. They are in the middle of class and it is disrespectful, even if Teacher Sani is very lenient with them and she has definitely already noticed that Ayan has been touching him the entire class.

"I'm paying attention." Ayan replies looking at Akk with a smile.

If Akk wasn't so in love with Ayan, he would have already told him to fuck off. Although he can still do that, Ayan has no protective shield for being his boyfriend.

Akk tries to pull his hand away, but Ayan squeezes him tighter and guides his hand to the mouth. Akk expected a kiss on the back of his hand and then Ayan would let go.

"Ah!" Akk moans and draws the attention of the entire room.

Ayan stifles a laugh with Akk's hand still in his mouth. The damn thing had bitten him!

"Find yourselves a room!" Namo shouts from the background.

Akk shrinks further into his seat and lets go of his hand abruptly before crossing the arms. Some of his classmates laugh and Kan makes kissing or moaning sounds, Akk is not sure, he only knows that teacher Sani scolded him.

"I'll leave you sleeping on the couch." Akk threatens in a whisper.

Ayan smiles sweetly like the bitch he is.


Having lunch in the stands together is normal. They do it every day, it is an area of the school that is almost always empty and it is like their place of comfort in all of Suppalo.

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