8|Tips; Ayan/Akk.

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Akk is not having a good day, that's for sure. Teacher Dika has been very kind and lenient with him and Akk really doesn't want to get into trouble, but his classmates don't make it very easy for him. He was lucky that Master Dika didn't punish him like Master Chadok would have done, even though Akk didn't do anything and just took hits.

Walking clears his mind a little, but it doesn't do much. His face hurts, he has bruises on his arms, cuts on his fingers from desperately clinging to the wall to keep his head from getting stuck in the toilet, a busted lip, and some cuts on his face covered with Band-Aids.

Akk loves the colorful bandaids with pictures on them, they feel good on his fingers and make him feel like a little child. Maybe someone else will make fun of him for wearing these bandaids, but Master Dika said that these are his favorites and he only uses them with important people. Akk only knows of one other person who also uses Master Dika's band-aids and he is his nephew, but Akk has never met him.

He wouldn't risk saying that he is the person who spends the most time with teacher Dika, at least among the students. But Akk spends a lot of time in the student welfare department, because likes being with teacher Dika and he has always helped him in everything. Akk does his homework sitting next to Master Dika and sometimes when it's just the two of them, Master Dika would play some music and it would be a warm atmosphere. Akk felt at home.

Akk stops in front of a cafe he didn't know about. He had been walking aimlessly after school and doesn't know where he is. He wants to go back to his room, but maybe a sweet drink can help him. He has money to be able to do it. At least for today.

He doesn't hesitate long before entering, and Akk doesn't notice the pride flags or couples scattered on the table, until a someone in a maid dress approaches him.

"Welcome to coffee for All, I'm Golf. May I know your name, honey?"

Akk smiles shyly, he feels a little suffocated in this place and tries not to look around too much or get nervous, but P'Golf seems to notice and smiles sweetly at him.

"A-akk, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you Akk, do you mind if I take you to a table? We're full right now, but you can share."

P'Golf guides him to a table for two in the corner by a window. There was a boy with his back to Akk, with a laptop watching a series or a movie, he doesn't know.

"Ah... He wouldn't mind if I sat there?" Akk asks, nervously. Maybe that boy was waiting for someone. Maybe he should just leave. "Maybe I should come back another day..."

"Nonsense," P'Golf waves his hand, still smiling sweetly at Akk. "Aye told us he was fine sharing the table."

P'Golf literally sits him down in front of the boy named Aye and Akk has never felt so nervous in his life.

"Here's the menu, you can call me when you're ready to order."

P'Golf hands him the menu and winks before leaving. Akk takes the piece of laminated paper with almost sweaty hands and tries not to look at the boy in front of him.

Akk doesn't know how nervous or uncomfortable he looks, but even Aye notices and pauses whatever sees to look at Akk.

"The iced coffee is very delicious." Aye says, timidly. Akk is startled hearing the other boy and looks at him.

"Thank you..." Akk murmurs, embarrassed.

Akk orders an iced coffee like Aye suggested and he orders the same.

"I'm Akk."

Aye smiles slightly.

"I'm Ayan, but you can call me Aye."

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