6|Shower; Yok/Chonlatee +18

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Chon doesn't consider herself a very beautiful or attractive girl, but she thinks may be pretty enough to at least get Yok's attention a little.

She had managed to become friends with Yok half a year after observing the other girl on campus, yes, a little strange, but she was always too embarrassed to approach Yok. Yok is a nice and kind girl, that could be seen just by seeing the beautiful smile that adorns the face almost all the time, but Chon still did not consider herself too interesting for Yok to want to become his friend.

A boy had been stalking her after leaving the college, apparently he wanted them to go out together, but Chon is a lesbian woman who drools over girls' tits and cute smiles, so she naturally rejects the boy.

The boy doesn't understand and puts more pressure on Chon. Chon tries everything to get him off her, but she can't, until an angel falls from the sky. Turns out they were near the parking lot and Yok had seen them. She didn't even hesitate before running up to defend her.

Yok yelled at the boy and even hit him, then took her hand and took his home. Chon didn't know if she was stunned by the matter with the boy or by the fact that his crush was helping her, touching her... Yok had put her on his motorcycle and Chon hugged Yok the whole way!

Since then, they were close friends and Chon tries very hard to keep his crush on her as hidden as possible.

She doesn't seem to do a good job.

"You know, if you like Yok, you can tell her." White says, sitting on the couch next to Chon.

Chon starts and blushes. Yok had been training with Gram and Chon just watched carefully, how Yok's sleeveless shirt moves with her every movement and how her braless tits sway. Yok never wore a bra, she said it was a form of oppression of women and she had the right to decide what things to wear and what not. Chon admires her a lot.

Chon has seen Yok's tits too many times and for a nineteen year old woman with no sexual experience, that drives her crazy. Yok doesn't care how she looks, but she doesn't even have to put in the effort because she's always beautiful.

Yok's hair is tied in a messy bun and her bangs are dripping with sweat, she looks exhausted and even had oil stains all over some parts of her body. Chon still believes that she is the most beautiful woman.

"W-what are you talking about, White!?" Chon squeals, embarrassed.

White smiles mischievously and gently pushes her shoulder.

"It's painfully obvious. You like Yok, very much. You should tell her." White says assuredly, nodding his head.

Chon looks in Yok's direction, just to make sure she hasn't heard anything, and then looks at White, shaking his head. She just hopes her face isn't as red as feels.

"I-I don't like Yok, I don't know what you're talking about." Chon lies, but White obviously doesn't believe her.

"You're drooling."

Chon quickly brings his hand to her mouth, she wasn't drooling. White laughs.

"W-well... Maybe a little..." Chon admits, not looking at White.

White is an extremely sweet girl unlike her twin sister, Chon is still surprised at how different they are, they represent the colors black and white very well. And White has always cared about others, especially their feelings, Chon is no exception.

Just because Chon likes Yok, it doesn't mean the feeling is mutual. Yok flirts with her all the time, it's true, but Chon sees it more as an affectionate way or a game. White doesn't seem to think the same apparently.

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