10: Stray And An Orphan

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Crowley eventually brought the both of you to the dorm he said you'd remain at during your time stuck here.

It did not look safe in the slightest way.

The trees were bare of leaves and the branches were jagged and pointed. The grass was overgrown, almost the same height as your chest from what you could tell, although other plants seemed to be in the mix too. The stone stairs leading up to the dorm were cracked and looked unstable, whereas the jagged iron gate that surrounded the area was covered in rust.

You could make out the outline of the dorm in the darkness of the night thanks to the moonlight, the dim lanterns seated upon stone columns lining the path did little to show the surroundings.

But you could hear the old creaks of the wood and groans of age as the light wind brushed past its walls.

"This is..." You couldn't find a word to describe it without possibly offending Crowley. Yet, you shrink when his attention turns to you, starting to fiddle with some of the free folds that hung loosely from your robes.

".... Too much charm..." You quietly finished, anxious from being the focus of the birdman's attention for some reason you're not entirely sure about.

Crowley opened his mouth to respond to you, but Enma spoke up before the headmaster had a chance to speak. "Well, it definitely has atmosphere."

Crowley spun around to face the boy, a smile spreading across his face. "Right, right. I knew you'd agree."

Pushing forwards, the headmaster placed a gloved hand upon the rusty iron gate, before quickly recoiling it. He pulled out a black handkerchief from somewhere on his person and wiped off the cobwebs that'd caught on his sharp finger rings.

Folding the handkerchief back into a neat square, he tucked it back into his clothing. Yet, instead of touching the gate once more, he used his cane to open the gate.

It let out an ear-splitting metallic screech, it's hinges not agreeing with the movement after being left alone for so long. You grit your teeth at the sound, hissing in pain as your hands clapped over your ears to try and muffle the sound, while you squeezed your eyes shut.

Enma and Crowley didn't seem too affected by the noise though, probably used to things as loud as that. You only rarely had to deal with noises that painful, and normally for a few minutes, since it happened whenever a child would end up in your mother's oven.

Feeling sick in your stomach, you opened your eyes and let your hands drop. You didn't want to think about stuff right now.

Crowley tapped the bottom of his cane on the ground a few times, clearing it of the rust particles and cobweb that'd transferred from the gate. Clearing his throat, he stepped onto the uneven path that lay beyond, staying away from the edges where the worst of the overgrown grass resigned.

"Please, come inside." He suggested, beginning to walk down the path towards the dorm. Enma followed along behind, sticking to the same path as Crowley.

Gingerly, you moved through the gate, getting goosebumps as you began the walk down the uneven stone path. It was dark. Not scary dark thanks to the moonlight, but dark enough it was a little difficult to see the ground because of the shadow the overgrown grass cast on the path.

A rustling sound came from close behind you and you spun, heart starting to thunder in your chest. The wind hadn't blown. What was that...?!

You whirled back around and tried to run to the other two, not wanting to be lagging behind, with whatever that was. Yet, you barely made it a few steps before your foot snagged on a plant that'd grown through the cracks in the path, sending you tumbling forwards onto the stone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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