Chapter 2 - Arriving at ANHS

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If I may I'd like to revisit my former question.

Are all Pokemon equal?

I previously mentioned base stat totals and type advantages and disadvantages but that isn't all. Did you know Pokemon are able to be "Shiny"? It's a very rare occurrence that alters how the Pokemon looks. For example, Charizards shiny form is black, while his regular form is orange. This phenomena has a 1 in 8192 of happening, that is .012%.

Pokemon also have what are called "IVs", otherwise known as Individual Stats. These are essentially hidden to trainers, however there are ways to check them. IVs are added onto your Pokemons base stat total, IVs are obtained through the Pokemon you defeat.

For example, Mankey, Growlithe, and Scyther along with many others, increase your attack IVs. For defense IVs, you would target Corviknight, Orthworm, or Hippowdon. For each and every specific IVs there are Pokemon you would want to target.

IVs are what can truly separate Pokemon. Lets say there were two Zigzagoons fighting, most would assume it would end in a draw or close win depending on the moves used right? However the IVs can completely turn a seemingly even fight into an overwhelming victory. This is one of the things I find so fascinating about Pokemon, there are so many variables that go into a battle.

"Hey would you be willing to give up your seat to this old lady?"

A sweet voice snapped me out of my thoughts, turning my attention towards it I see a girl wearing the same uniform as me was attempting to find a seat for an old lady.

"Ho~? Why would I do that?" The blonde male also wearing the same uniform apparently didn't like old people.

"Miss, she can have my seat." I spoke out trying to end the argument that was bound to happen.

"Thank you very much young man." The grandma said to me while sitting down, for some reason I wondered why she was smiling? What made her smile? Was it because she could sit down or because someone performed an act of kindness? Maybe she was selfish just like blondie?

"That was very kind of you! Can I ask your name?" Yet again I was snapped out of my thoughts by the same sweet voice as earlier.

"My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, it's nice to meet you." I didn't want to give my name but too many people were watching and it would be troublesome later down the road if I was rude.

"My names Kushida Kikyo! It's a pleasure to meet you Ayanokouji!"

Kushida was over emphatic, anything she said it was with a big smile and a happy voice. I wonder if one day I can be like that? But then again I don't want to be faking it like her, I want to truly be smiling out of my own free will.

"I'll talk to you later Ayanokouji!"

It seems as though Kushida didn't like my company, that hurts my feelings.

My eyes wondered from person to person on this bus, there was 12 other students wearing the same uniform as me or Kushdia. Three of them stood out to me, one was the senior citizen hater, one was Kushida, and the other was a black haired girl who is currently "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Her eyes suddenly met mine, crimson red eyes, I averted my gaze and looked out the window. I put my earbuds in and navigated towards the app 'Musi' on my phone. While most others use 'Spotify' I actually prefer 'Musi' because if a song is on Youtube then you can add it to your playlist. I found this very convenient for listening to songs that were never released or deleted.

I clicked shuffle on my playlist and 'Meet the Grahams' by Kendrick Lamar started playing, Drake really got cooked.


The bus finally arrived at the school, Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing high school. Otherwise known as ANHS, this is one of the most prestigious high schools in Japan. They boast a 100% college acceptance rate for students who graduate here. Only 160 new students are admitted each year, getting into this school is a dream for many teenagers across the country.

As I was being a very courageous young man and taking my first steps onto the campus a voice called out.

"Hey you! Why were you staring at me on the bus?" I turned around to see the crimson eyed beauty standing there, waiting for my answer.

"I was looking at your book and wondering why you didn't give your seat up."

"I simply had no reason to give my seat up, it benefited me in no way. Why did you give the seat up?"

"I just didn't care to hear the argument."

"Very well then, I advise you to keep your eyes to yourself." With that she walked past me and towards the school.

She very clearly had a superiority complex. I hope to shatter that confidence some day, she seems relatively smart and capable. However unfortunately for her that confidence will most likely hold her back, whether in a battle or in work, it will hold her back.


The entrance ceremony could only be described as boring. The chairman gave a speech about the school, welcoming us and whatnot. The only notable thing from it was observing the other classes.

Class A seemed to be more disciplined and actually paying attention, four students in that class caught my eye, a short lilac haired girl with a cane was one of them. Another one was a tall bald man, how he is bald as a first year high school student, I'm not sure, but he is. The other two was a blue haired girl that was wearing a white beanie and a black haired male wearing a black and yellow hat.

Class B was similar to Class A with slightly less discipline, only theee student in this class caught me. A strawberry haired girl seemed to have already befriended everyone in the class already. There was two other female students in that class that had caught my eye, a blonde student with a red hat and a bow and the other a brown haired girl with a red bandana on her hair.

Class C was nothing like Class A or B, the class wasn't paying attention and most were talking or on their cell phones. Blatantly disrespecting the chairman. Three in this class stood out, one was a magenta haired man, he looked like a delinquent to be frank. The other was a very large foreigner, he seemed to be made out of muscle. How he obtained that physique at this age is a mystery, his build is more comparable to a powerlifter than a high school student. The last student was a black haired student wearing a white hat.


Word count: 1134

I don't plan on having IVs or complicated stuff play a part in the story but if thats something you'd be interested in lmk.

What should Kojis starter mon be-









And should it be shiny or not.

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