Chapter 23 - Nah, I'd win

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"Hey, Hirata." I called out.

Hirata turned around and was clearly surprised to see me at his camp.

"Hey Ayanokouji; What are you doing here?" He asked.

"To tell you the leaders of the other classes, I'm certain Class C or A will guess I'm the leader so I have to retire." I said.

Katsuragi is smart enough to, especially with Ethan and Dawn in the class. They both support Sakayanagi but they still will cooperate in an exam.

"I thought all of Class C retired?" Hirata questioned.

That's what it appeared to be for most people I guess. 'All' of Class C had retired is what most of our Class saw and reported.

"No, everyone but Ryueen retired." I answered.

"I guess I'll believe you. Who are the leaders you want me to write down?" He asked.

"Class Cs leader is obviously Ryueen, Class B is Chihiro Shiranami, Class A is Yahiko Totsuka." I told him.

He let out a chuckle and spoke;

"I feel like I should be surprised but you're the one doing it." He laughed.

Originally I was thinking of doing something drastic to injure myself somehow to retire. Then I remembered I can retire whenever I want.

I nudged Horikitas shoulder to wake her up.

"What?" She groggily asked.

She's cute when she's not being aggressive.

"Get up, I'm switching the leader to you." I told her.

It took another minute or two but eventually she got up and we made our way over to where Chabiyshira was stationed..

"Hello Ayanokouji, Horikita, what can I do for you two?" She asked.

"I'm retiring, make Horikita the leader." I answered.

"What's your reason to retire?" She asked.

You weren't supposed to ask.

"I feel extremely sick." I lied.

"Good enough for me. Head back to the ship, I'll give Horikita the card." She answered.

She was surprisingly compliant to just let me retire. I guess that falls under the perks of your homeroom teacher liking you.

"Goodbye for now Horikita, I hope you find the outcome of the exam satisfactory." I told her before going back to the cruise ship.

"Hey Ayanokouji!" Brendan's voice shouted out from behind me.

I turned around before answering;

"What's up." I replied.

He seemed to find my 'whats up' funny for some reason.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I retired, don't worry about the details I'll explain them to you later." I told him.

My conversation with Brendan was short as I decided to go to bed and get a break after everything I did.

Sitting on the ship I watched every Class line up, except for Class C of course. Ryueen had decided to make a dramatic entrance by waiting for everyone else to get there to make himself known.

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