SS 6. The Chess Match.

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As a suggestion by @JD9000 this will be the chess match that happened between Ayanokouji and Takuya, this isn't necessary to read but rather just another form of interaction between Koji and Takuya. I'll try to get the next chapter out tomorrow, I had said I would get this out the same night I posted chapter 44 but obviously that didn't happen.

"Takuya, would you indulge me with a challenge?" I asked.

He stood up from the bench, ready for whatever it was, "Yeah, what type of challenge?" He questioned.

"Mental chess," I answered, "We never got the chance to play at all before I left for the mansion." I remarked.

He nodded, determination to defeat me in his eyes, "Let's play then." He said, sitting back down.

I sat down next to him, "You can play as a white." I offered.

"Very well, e4." Takuya began confidently, establishing control of the center and opening lines for his queen and bishop.

"c5," I replied, setting up the Sicilian Defense, aiming for an asymmetrical pawn structure to create dynamic chances.

I was aware that he was a skilled player but I wanted to see just how deep his understanding of the openings and game was, it doesn't matter how intelligent you are when the game of chess has almost already been 'solved'. In almost every position, the proper move has been made and studied, late game is truly the only time where intelligence and creativity can truly be shown.

"2. Nf3," he continued, developing his knight to a natural square and preparing to support his e4 pawn.

"d6," I responded, solidifying my control over the center and preparing to develop my pieces.

"3. d4," Takuya pushed his queen's pawn forward, aiming to open the center and challenge my pawn structure.

"cxd4," I captured his pawn, opening the c-file for my rook and aiming to exchange central pawns.

"4. Nxd4," he recaptured with his knight, maintaining a strong presence in the center.

"Nf6," I developed my knight, attacking his e4 pawn and preparing to exert more pressure in the center.

"5. Nc3," he defended his e4 pawn and developed another piece towards the center.

"a6," I prepared for a potential b5 pawn thrust, aiming to expand on the queenside and challenge his knight on c3.

"6. Be2," he continued his development, aiming to castle and bring his king to safety.

"e5," I challenged his knight on d4, aiming to gain more space in the center.

"7. Nb3," he retreated his knight to a safe square, maintaining control over important central squares.

"Be6," I developed my bishop, aiming to connect my rooks and prepare for central and queenside operations.

"8. O-O," Takuya castled kingside, bringing his king to safety and connecting his rooks.

"Be7," I prepared to castle myself, ensuring my king's safety and completing my development.

"9. a4," he aimed to prevent my b5 push, trying to limit my queenside expansion.

"O-O," I castled, bringing my king to safety and connecting my rooks.

"10. Be3," he developed his bishop, exerting pressure on the queenside and preparing to challenge my pawn structure.

"Qc7," I connected my rooks and placed my queen on a more active square, eyeing potential targets on the queenside.

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