P H A S E . 37

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in-line comments dear readers.
If votes doesn't increase or silent readers you don't vote hereon than...you all will be blessed with chapters as usual but will not be instresting in reading like past ones.

All you will get a Boring chapters here on if you all don't vote and share the reviews means...No increase in votes no instresting updates.
Choice is yours....

Also this story is not soley about only Avni And Neil their relation but it's about a whole family and their emotions.
You guys had already read and still reading about only AvNeil in many stories but no Author till date showcased the real relations between the family and siblings and their emotions....
and that's what I am going to show in my story cause for me not only Patners love but parents ,siblings and relations matters the most ,equally.

There will be AvNeil but not only them cause without family there is no living.


Story continues...,

Indian time.
Mehta house.

Neela preparing dinner early,
As Abhimanyu and Ashish are home,
Having the dinner,
Whole family sat infront of their huge,
62'inches tv,
Connecting the pendrive.,
Started to watch AvNeil
marriage video,
arrived in morning.

Morning photographer
had handover the three huge albums and seperate pendrive along with
Happiness and entusiam to watch
marriage video,
Abhimanyu and Ashish arrived home early from
Office and so,
Neela preaparing dinner early,
having it
Present whole family is happily watching
Video from the time of engagement .

Engagement video seems to be completed within an hour with lots of shyness from Avni,
When ever her friends, relatives teased her with Neil name,
And Neil's constant stare on Avni's beet red cheeks.
The whole video and album came out to be an
Candid one,
As they opted the same.

Starting the
Wedding video,
Starting from Avni posing for pics in Haldi, Sangeet and Mehandi,
Mehta family happiness followed by
Neil's entry and Khanna's happiness,
Every video shows how much they have enjoyed the marriage and
How much grand way the marriage had happened.
How happy Avni was.

Marriage video
started with showing Neil waiting for Avni on mandap desperatly,
And when
Avni arrived his lips switch with a wide smile,
As soon as Avni entered with Abhimanyu to the asile
in the most beautiful way,
Neil's eyes glistened.
Mehta's eyes teared up and it recorded in the video perfectly,
Seeing their Princess as a beautiful bride.

What surprised
Whole Mehta family is,
As Chaitra said,
Neil's eyes were teared up,..
Mehta's seeing really Neil's eyes are glistened and it captured very perfectly in the video,.
Neil had not even erased his eyes,
But extended his hands to hold Avni's in his to make her sit beside him,
As soon as Avni holded Neil's hands,
The first thing Neil done was to,
Workship her by keeping her hand on his eyes,
This was something which
Either Abhimanyu or Neela or Ashish neither Dayawanti watched
while the movement took place.

Dayawanti :-  Kya Neil beta sachi pe Avuu ki haat workship ki Neela ?

Neela :- Ha Maa ji .

Vivah - A Conjugal bond AvneilOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant