When you are packing to go on vacation without them

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I won't be updating from Thursday to Sunday as I'm gonna go vacation in my own land (Belgium), but also have to work at a friend's event one day so half work half vacation.


He lets you bag in peace, only interrupting to assure he can bring you by carrying you and your bags. He asks who will be there, feeling a bit jealous if you are gonna go with someone else. He wants to be the person with you. Many hugs and kisses. When you have to leave he gives you a big hug and passionate kiss. Once you are gone he's basically like a dog left to wait for its owner to return from work; dragging himself, sulking, complaining to anyone around that he can't wait for you to be back.


He tells you to have Alfred help so you are sure everything is there then asks again before you leave if you have everything. Once you confirmed yes he gives you a kiss and repeats to have fun. Did he put a tracker on you? Maybe. Is he actively spying on you? No, even he knows that's creepy and wrong. It will simply give him alert if it senses you are in danger. Will he then immediately go to you? Depending on Gotham's situation and your distantie, but most likely yes.

Wonder Woman:

She will be quite upset and jealous she can't come along. She was hoping to come with you but because of circumstances she can't. So many hugs, with her saying if she could she would come along and to stay safe. So you always promise her you two can go on vacation next opportunity, which usually works to cheer her up completely as now she has something to look forward to. Such tight hugs before you leave, telling you to enjoy your vacation.

J'onn J'onzz:

He made you a checklist, adding even the smallest things one would last minute panic over that they forgot to pack it. He kept telling you to call him if something goes wrong. He did wish he could go with you but there is always another chance, hopefully. He made sure no news of any attacks got to you so you could enjoy your vacation worry-free. As you were gone he would start conversations with "I wonder what they are doing now".


Each time you turned to put more stuff away the previous stuff was gone, just your boyfriend standing aside it with an innocent smile. But you know he isn't. He does this each time, and now, as every time, he begins whining for you to stay or at least take him along. So after demanding he puts it all back he will do so, though without running, dragging his feet while sulking. Once you are about to leave he takes so long giving you kisses.


She keeps telling you to text her when you arrive. Joking to remember stranger danger, but obviously also meaning it. If you forgot anything to just tell her and she'll send Flash to drop it off or even do so herself. A long tight hug before you left, whispering she loves you. She doesn't try to interrupt you too much days before you go so you can focus, pack, and all that stuff in peace without getting disturbed.

Green Lantern:

He will keep asking if you have everything, what you'll do, with who, where you'll be. He isn't trying to monitor your every move, he's just worried and trying to be sure nothing seems dangerous. He's not trusting this not for anything you have done to make him suspicious but because these are usually times a villain would attack so he wants you to stay highly alert but still try to enjoy your vacation.

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