You accept euthanasia

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Euthanasia: intentionally (legally, medically approved) ending your own life with proper equipment to stop pain and suffering.

This is usually only done if the patient will suffer forever and/or is soon to die.


"I'll find a way, you don't have to do this." He kept insisting. He's Superman! He saves the world weekly, so why wouldn't he be able to save you?! He made you wait, claiming that he knows people.

He asked around. Every doctor he knew, every scientist, anyone who might be able to fix your situation. But no one could. It angered him more and more until he had to destroy an abandoned building to finally release that rage. But it wasn't anger. It was sadness. He can't give you up. But he has to.

So when he returned to you and saw you curled up in pain the guilt set in. He rushed to your side, putting his hand gently on your arm to rub and alert he's here. "I'm sorry." was all he could say. There was so much he wanted to, but it would all come down to sorry. So when you angrily told him, "I'm doing it!" he just nod. He could not even tell you not to raise your voice as you had every right. He made you wait, he made you suffer longer. So he simply said another, "I'm sorry."

As the euthanasia was being prepared he gave your cheek and every spot he could reach soft, tender kisses, whispering sweet words that made your frown turn to a smile. The last thing he said to you, and you to him, was "I love you".


He knew it was coming, just a matter of when. The day you whispered, "I need it, please, the euthanasia. I can't anymore." He took your hand, gave it a kiss, and promised to give it to you. He did mean it, but he knew if he didn't ask the next thing he would regret it forever. "Can you hold on one more day?" "Why?" At your confusion he swallowed then went on one knee, fiddling in his pocket until he grasped the small box. Opening it revealed a ring you had been eyeing in a window store before all this began. "Will you marry me, tomorrow?" He had it all prepared, all that was missing was the couple.

You accepted. The wedding was held in the room. It didn't have to be grant, it simply had to be you, him, and friends and family. You both signed the papers, making it offical. He didn't mind if he was gonna become a widower the very same day he became a husband. At least he got to become your husband. All that mattered now was keeping that smile on your face until the end of the day.

When the day's end came, while both laid cuddled, he saw your pain was thrice what it normally is, for you had used up all your energy and tried to hide it for so long. He gave you a kiss, praising you for your efforts, calling you the best partner he has ever had. Your smile returned a little, "Thank you, I love you-" but the words began slurring. Eyes blinking, each time opening less so, and soon they stayed shut. Slowly he pulled the needle out of your arm.

"I love you, too."

Wonder Woman:

You are the strongest person she knows. So when you looked her straight in the eyes one day and said, "I'm ready to go" she knew you meant it. You hanged on as long as you could, now you are done.

But that does not mean she was ready for you to go. She shook her head, a whisper but then cleared her throat and loudly claimed: "You can't take the coward's way out!". The pained eyes you gave her made her snap right back to reality, make the cold shame wash all over her. Her eyes shot down, a hand to her mouth. That was the cruelest thing she ever said to you, and right before you would go. A mistake she will regret for life.

How could you be angry with her, though? For her grief was already in progress. It was obvious as the tears spilled over her hand and between her trembling fingers. When you held out your hand she grasped it, kneeling, her forehead to your knuckles, sobbing; "I didn't mean that! I'm sorry. Forgive me. Please! Please." If you did not she would not be able to ever move on.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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