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(This is a reverse harem story so of course; two dicks in one pussy. Plus, it's themed as a dark romance So...😌. Please, don't proceed if it's not your cup of tea :.) . I've warned you though
Anyways, just a reminder and don't be fooled by chapter 1. Enjoy reading!!!😘)

Ronan (left)                        Roman (right)  

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Ronan (left)                        Roman (right)


I always believed in the quote the more, the better so I added more soldiers to come with me inside the abandoned factory.

I thought we are safer with more numbers until we stepped into a complete trap and the Russians ambushed us everywhere.

The more the better until I lead more soldiers into a death trap and now they are either wounded or dead because of me.

The others fled, taking cover with the snow until each of us are separated and lost in this fucking cold after a failed mission.

It's been almost eight hours of pointless walking, and not a single Germans in sight. I wasn't thinking when I ran for my life after the Russians began to rain bullets on us. So, I'm not sure of the route I'm following.

I just hope that I'll find the path back to base and out of this fucking snowy mountain.

My breath fogged as I exhaled a breath, finding cover with the shelter of the thick pine trees in case the Russians are around.

I checked the magazine of my rifle. It's empty save for one bullet, staring up at me.


Aside from my combat knife, one bullet is all that I have. I'm dehydrated, exhausted and starving as fuck and completely lost in this woods that seems to stretch on forever.

Wheezing, my knees finally gave out and I stumbled above a mound of snow. My lips are chapped from the icy temperature and I know, it won't be for long before I'll freeze to death if I won't find my way out of here.

It's fucking cold.

For the umpteenth time, I tapped my earpiece radio but all that's on the other side is complete static.

"This is your commander. Can anyone hear me?"


"Anyone out there? Connor?"

Nothing but pure static.


The information was a bait and with the desperation to eliminate the enemy, I fell for it.

Dejected and disappointed at myself, I lowered my hand and stared at the snowy ground.

From the howl of the breeze echoing on the woods, my ears picked up footsteps. I tilted my head, pinpointing it's direction.

The sound of branch snapping behind me had me turning my head to look. In an instant, I raised my rifle, finger poised on the trigger as I jumped to my feet.

My pulse is thundering on my ears but I keep my face blank while I stared at the Russian looking at me with head cocked to the side.

"Lost?" he asked, warily stepping froward.

"Closer and I'll blow your brains out" I warned.

He halted, raising his hands in surrender.

I narrowed my eyes.

My focus is intently at him. He's fucking enormous and tall but I stood my ground. Adrenaline is pumping on my veins, knowing that if he made a move towards me, I only have a tiny percent chance to evade him.

My gaze made a quick sweep of his figure. Despite his intimidating size, he's weaponless. He's wearing combat boots but aside from that, there are no other signs to tell me whether he's a soldier or not.

An ushanka covers his head and a game of dead rabbits is clutched on his hand.

He's a civillian.

Still, I didn't lower my rifle.

"There will be a snowstorm tonight" he said. His Russian accent thick with each word.

"You'll either freeze to death or be eaten by bears if you stay in this trail."

I only stared intently, not taking my eyes from him. I could pull the trigger right now and steal his large coat as a vengeance for the death of my comrades but even I know to spare civilians.

"I have a cabin not far from here where me and my brother lives. You can come with me if you like" he offered and I narrowed my eyes.

It's too good to be true. It smells like another trap.

"How about showing me another route of here?" I asked instead.

He sighed, looking around. There are snowflakes stuck in his brows, some atop his coat which means he's been out for a long time.

Hunting for rabbits? Or hunting for German soldiers?

"There's a train rail 10 miles from here. You can find people there but it's a 2 day travel from the woods. Just follow your right. The cabin is just ahead if you still want to seek shelter" he replied.

My shoulders sagged. Guess, I went to the fucking wrong direction and doomed myself further with these woods.

I can barely walk right now. Frost is gathering on my nostrils and the cold is slowly freezing my body. How much more for 2 days?.

I'm a soldier but I know my limits.

"You know I'm German yet you are helping me" I stated this as a matter of fact.

The Russians hated the Germans with passion and vice versa. So, it's quite unbelievable if a Russian is willing to give aid to a German. Civilian or not.

"Mercy" he replied. "Not everyone is heartless"

"How can I know you're telling the truth?" I asked, suspicion lacing my tone.

"I only want to help. It's your choice wether to believe me or not"

Slowly, he brought his hands down and after a minute of eyeing him with obvious distrust, I hesitantly lowered my rifle.

I want to try my luck out there but I'm not sure if I can survive it. If this guy is telling the truth, then I'll have a higher shot to live. Only if I'll play it smart.

His hand disappeared inside his coat pocket and I raised my rifle to point at his head. However, he merely held a bag of water and tossed it at my feet. I watch the bag roll and after a whole minute when nothing happened, I sling my rifle back on my shoulder and picked it up.

Immeditaly, I surveyed the bag.

Sniffing the lid, I peeked inside to confirm it's indeed water before downing it. I'm so thirsty that the liquid felt like heaven on my tongue. Gulping, I satiated my thirst while the man watched from a safe distance.

When I'm done, he gave his back to me, muttering;

"You must be starving. Follow me"

And because I indeed am, I murmured 'fuck it' and followed the Russian. You might think me too trusting but even doubts disappears at the face of survival.

So, I placed my fate on the man's hands and began to go after him. It wasn't until five minutes later, when my head began to feel heavy did I realized the error I made.

The man's broad back is the last thing I saw before I stumbled down and the word went black.

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