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(Warning: This chapter contains explicit sexual contents so if you like to read some dirty fucking...😏)

"Where is your base?"

The gag is torn from my mouth for me answer. The moment that shit is gone, I spat on the Russian's face with conviction.

I watch my spitle mark it's target with a sick contentment. However, before I could revel on my tiny success, the brothers shared a look.

He wiped the spit on his cheek and darkly chuckled at my attempt to fight back.

"She's fierce, Roman. It'll be fun to break her" the other which I assumed as Ronan muttered.

Ronan and Roman.

Like two predators, they encircled me. Ronan stopped directly behind me and despite the warmth of the fireplace, I shuddered in outright terror.

The look on their faces...

It's fucking sadistic.

As if they want me to fight back as much as I could so they could prolong this...version of torture.

Suddenly, my hair is tugged from it's roots with one tight pull.  Ronan's grip forced my head to tip back to meet Roman's gaze.

I shook my head when his fingers pinched my jaw open with my tongue out. Before I can protest, he made a sound at his throat and spat straight inside my awaiting mouth.

The feel of his saliva curdled my body with disgust. I tried to spit it out but his palm cover my mouth closed. Muffled curses escaped my lips and Roman pinched my nose, so I'm forced to gasp for air and swallow his spit.

After a minute, they finally let me go and I spew curses at them, trying and failing to free myself from the ropes.

"Now, I'll ask you again commander. Where. Is. Your. Base ?"

I clamped my mouth shut, refusing to answer.

A palm slapped my cheek but I only glared and held my silence. My eyes sting when my lips split with another slap, followed by another until my ears begin to ring.

Copper filled my mouth and I spat blood at Roman's combat boots, grinning at the pinch on his brows.

At least, I would be tortured while not giving any satisfaction to my captors.

I swore loyalty to my flag and the information will die with me.

"Where?" he asked.

Ronan's fingers wrapped around my neck so I can stare face to face with Roman. He put pressure on his grip, cutting off my oxygen circulation. After 30 seconds, he released his hold and I gasped, downing air as much as possible.

When I finally got my bearings, I merely jutted my chin and muttered;

"Fuck. You"

Roman straightened and sighed.

"Alright then, commander. Breaking it is"

Before I could decipher what he meant, he unbuckled his belt and pulled the leather out of it's hoops. My  eyes widened in panic that I quickly masked in order not to expose any vulnerability.

However, based with the tsking sound he made, Roman noticed my slip.

He snapped the belt on his hand and the sound is like a switch, triggering bone-chilling dread.

A scream was ripped out of my throat when he brought it down, leaving red marks on my breasts with the impact of his blow.

"Where?" he repeated the question.

"I would rather die" I gritted.

He brought it down again, harder this time. Whipping my bouncing breasts, purposely letting it hit my jutted pink nipples.

Ronan squeezed my neck tighter, choking me while Roman whipped me with his belt. One landed on my exposed pussy and a strange sensation began to gather on my abdomen.


Fuck no.

Moisture began to make my pussy lips slick with each blow. The more the pain, the more intense the sensation became until I am screaming and uncomfortably squirming on my seat.

I prayed that the twins will not notice how wet my cunt became or how I'm being turned on by their degration but of course, nothing escaped their watchful gazes.

"Well, well, well, would you look at that?"

Roman bent down to stare at my wetness and my cheeks turned red with humiliation. I jolted when he rubbed the belt on my slit before intentionally leaving a slap on my clit.

"Get away from me!" I snarled at him.

He only chuckled.

"Give us what we want and we'll give you mercy or deny it and we'll make this worse" he threatened.

I swore loyalty to my flag and the information will die with me.

So, instead of giving them what they want, I move my face closer to Roman and challenged;

"You'll kill me both ways. So, give me your worst"

A muscle ticked in his jaw and I met his piercing gaze with fire on my own.

After what felt like a staring contest, Roman nodded at Ronan and they both grinned widely.

The mouth of a vial is shoved on my mouth and just like before, they repeated the same procedure until I downed the entire liquid.

It's tasteless and velvety that I might've mistaken it for water had my eyes not caught the glimpse of the vial's label clutched on Ronan's hand.


They fed me fucking viagra.

As soon as the liquid settled on my stomach, my body began to heat and the mess between my legs worsened. I expected to be cut, punched and beaten to a pulp as a form of torture but this is worst.

My pussy is literally throbbing and aching. My breasts felt heavy, begging to be squeezed and sucked. My whole body is on fire, flesh sensitive that even Ronan's tight grip around my neck felt so good.


Choke me harder.

Roman caressed my stomach with the belt and I whimpered, moving my hips to chase the ghost of touch.

My brain is beggining to fog with lust and I tried to hold on to the remnants of sanity, of loyalty to duty but all I can think is the large bulge on Roman's cargo pants, facing me.

Of Ronan choking me from behind. I want them both to fuck me. To use me. To bang my pussy until the itch is gone. To manhandle me.

What the fuck?.

"Now, commander" Ronan whispered beside my ear. His hot breath rising goosebumps on my skin.

"Tell us the the location of your base and we'll let you ride our cocks"

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