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You sat in front of your cousin Jamie nonchalantly as she glared into the back of your head. Her piercing glare was cut off by a sudden clank of a glass, all the attention was on your cousin Emily as she stood at her place with a large smile.

"I still can't believe they're related" Jessie whispered as you smirked at her remark "I know, complete opposites" your voice was soft but loud enough for her to hear.

"My fiancé and I are extremely grateful for you all to be present here today, It only proves that love can gather a crowd!" Your younger cousin continued with her speech as many people applauded and cheered as both her, and her fiancé announced their wedding date.

As they were done, another set of announcements were made, two elders stood by the microphone. Papers in hand as they called for the attention of everyone "With the retirement of both Gregory and Angel Sinclair, we are here to announce the next heir to the title of familial leadership."

Tension filled the air as many people muttered to themselves, some fixing their postures as they were ready to hear the announcement. Jessie frantically bounced her knee as she stared at the announcer.

While you simply remained silent, Diavolo watched your movement as you didn't show any signs of worry. Not even an ounce of nervousness "With the eldest child, Rose Sinclair, no longer with us, on behalf of her mother (Y/n) (L/n) will be taking on the role of familial leadership."

"Her increasingly improving stand continues to progress at a rapid pace compared to those here today." a thick blanket of silence was brought upon the mass of people as they were speechless.

"Please rise to the occasion (Y/n) and step up to give a speech." As you stood, you smiled at those you passed by. Frightened eyes bore on your body as you walked up to the small stage, Standing in front of the mic, your gentle smile lightened the intense atmosphere.

"I will do my best for the family, after all we are all we have" your voice was somber as you held your hands near your heart, creating a painting of sorrow.

"After all, it is what my mother would have wanted." Despite your soft spoken voice a sense of venom was underlined by your shift in words.The group of villains watched astonished as many watched as people began to break eye contact with you and looked elsewhere in shame.

"Anyway, let's get back to partying for the soon-to-be wedded!" Your voice was extremely cheerful as you began to pose as many camera flashes went off. Your sudden switch shocked the group of villains as they gawked at the scene "Yeah, she tends to do this" Jessie claimed as she raised her arm.

Multiple waiters surrounded the table before placing down plates on silver platters and glasses of champagne. "I'm appalled more so than frightened" Valentine confessed as he watched you laughing before jumping down the stage.


The ride home was much more energetic as you celebrated your victory, Doppio, Diego and you found yourselves cheering loudly out of the sunroof. You sat on the edge of the roof as you shook a champagne bottle before popping it out, spraying champagne around.

Inside of the limo sat the rest along with Jessie who watched to make sure none of you fell off the roof. Music blasted as the rider continued to drive, Your laughter echoed through the night as you leaned back "I'M ON TOP OF THE WORLD BABY~"

Nearly falling before Jessie grabbed onto a leg and Dio another "Alright, I think that's enough" She said as she motioned you three down. Plopping down between Kars and Dio you finally seemed to be relaxed. "(N/n), you got to be careful"

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