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Your humble store was empty per usual, though the town outside seemed livelier than usual. You began wondering if it was a festival that was taking place, suddenly a buzz rang out in the air.

Looking up at your clock you saw the time and smiled to yourself, you were finally free from boredom "Now to make my way to get groceries~" you sang in a soft tone as you gathered your personal items.

Locking the door to your store you glimpsed at the window's reflection, from a distance you saw an oddly familiar golden blonde hair, though you chose to ignore it as you began making your way to the grocery store.

Once entering you grabbed a wagon and led it to the fruit aisle. Many tropical fruits were on display as you began picking and choosing which ones, Until your phone began ringing.

"Hello?" you held the phone to your ear as you examined the grapes "(Y/n), I am assuming you are in the store now; any way, can you please pick up an apple pie?" Doppio said on the other line.

"Kira told me in specific detail what he wants, so, unfortunately, I need to get that." you confessed as you heard yelling through the other line, shaking your head you went back to traveling the store.

Picking up the cherry pie, before picking up a second pie. Which was apple, you smirked at the words that were heard "Doppio, don't make a fuss about it. I'll just get the two"

After some time you hung up, turning your cart to the left while you were distracted by the candy display. Causing you to crash the wagon to another, quietly cursing you faced your victim.

A tall girl stood there, also awkwardly splitting out apologies, her hair displayed in two buns; while her face was disguised by a pair of sunglasses and a mask. Which you would have confronted, if not for a tall jet-black man, who towered both you and her.

"We're so sorry Miss" His voice was deep and smooth, before you could offer a response they both were quick to leave the area. "Yeah that wasn't suspicious at all..." you muttered as you went back to what you were doing.

You couldn't ignore the pending doom you felt as you walked down an aisle, the sense was deep as you began pacing your way to the checkout lane. You felt multiple pairs of eyes on you as you stood before the cashier.

She seemed to sense your uneasiness "Whatever you're worrying about is probably microscopic, don't worry about it too much love" snapping out of your focused mindset you gave a soft smile and nod "Yeah, you're probably right, thank you"

Of course you knew she hadn't a clue on what you expected, though you did understand her words to a certain degree. Maybe you were just a bit paranoid, especially after what had happened a few days ago. Just maybe.

"What's up hoes" You said as you threw up a peace sign, Diavolo gave a face of disgust before scoffing "Have some decency to actually properly talk to us." his tone was stern as he practically glared at you. Placing the bags down you closed the door behind you.

"You're a slut for wearing that outfit" His jaw dropped as you casually shrugged your shoulders, what outfit was he wearing to provoke an answer like that? Well he stood in front of you wearing one of your many band T-shirts, except he seemed to crop it from its baggy style. Along with a pair of gray sweats.

Though you would never admit out loud how good he looked, Tooru laughed as he sat in his seat, eating some popcorn "Now come help with the bag" Many of the villains emerged from the kitchen when hearing your voice. Some greeted you as they began taking the bags into the kitchen.

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