13 - Liar

13 3 17

authors note: lil *calm* chapter cause i was feeling inspired by random shit.

Levi, Sasha, Erwin and Eren left the meeting room. Eren wasn't supposed to get dessert with the group, but his date cancelled on him, and he had nothing else to do. Sasha happily invited him which only made Levi's eyes roll to the back of his head.

As the group entered the elevator, Sasha briefly mentioned something which caught Levi's attention. "Pieck brought Petra. Hopefully, Petra and Hange don't throw punches at each other by the end of this."

"They used to be good friends," Erwin added. "I'm sure they won't lay hands on each other."

"Clearly you haven't seen them at Levi's housewarming." She laughed. "Hange was ready to pounce."

"Petra came?" Levi interjected. His shoulders dropped like a heavy burden just lay on them.

"Yeah, Pieck said that you and her are cool now." She responded innocently. Sasha didn't know the details of him and Petra so of course she didn't see anything wrong with it. But Levi on the other hand, was worried only about Y/N.

"Barely." Levi and Petra hadn't even talked since he ended things over the phone. "Y/N's there though. It's their first time seeing each other."

"Y/N's here?" Eren perked up. His long hair was pulled back in a bun and he leaned against the elevator wall.

"Yeah, she is," Levi confirmed. "Don't embarrass us. Your shitty ass better keep your hands off her. You have too much of a fixation on touching people."

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind." He put his hands up. "She never used to mind before." This only made Levi narrow his eyes. The number of times Eren had been punched by Levi for touching Y/N too many to count.

"You know how it ends every time," Levi was unbothered. "If you want to try it then you're asking for it."

"Oh yeah, Connie wants Y/N at the party!" Sasha interrupted, changing the subject before Levi and Eren started bickering like Tom and Jerry. "I need to give her the invite. I'm excited to wear my swimwear and the food is gonna be great!"

"The weather too," Erwin added. The doors of the elevator opened and they all walked out and towards the cafe.

Levi felt unsettled. Nervous even. He didn't know why but as soon as they were on the way to meet with everyone, he felt a hole open up his core. It made him uncomfortable and anxious. He didn't stop walking though, he kept up with the group while being distracted by unease. He thought maybe it was meeting Petra again and left it at that.

Y/N had been stuck talking to Petra for the past 40 minutes. She could tell every single word that left her lips was fake kindness and sarcasm. After every word Y/N uttered, a laugh would erupt from her and Pieck. She found it crazy how loved she felt by Pieck at their first meeting in the SFO Airport in contrast to the way she acted now. It came to a point where she let everyone else speak and she stayed quiet. For forty minutes.

They were going down the street to a Crêperie for crêpes and macarons as soon as everyone else came down. Petra tried to change the plan by complaining after finding out the idea came from Y/N. Hange stood firm though. Hange wanted everyone to hang out together but didn't know where to go. She asked Y/N and she said dessert. Now, Petra complained she likes savoury foods better.

"Why are you even here?" Hange asked. "If you hate dessert, go the fuck home."

The table went quiet. Luckily, everyone walked in at the perfect time. Sasha walked ahead of the group and Y/N stood up to greet her. She gave her a tight hug and they swayed with each other like they hadn't just seen each other in the past weekend. She saw Erwin and gave him a quick side hug. He expressed how he hates physical touch so everyone keeps it minimal, Y/N can't help it though.

Embrasse-Moi ("Kiss me") | Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now