14 - I was.

18 3 18

She admired the penthouse as she lay on the couch. Levi sat on the love seat next to her, going on and off his business phone. They talked about other things.

They talked about work, the future, and hobbies. They always have random conversations; This one seemed to keep going. Once the conversation rested, she closed her eyes.

Y/N squirmed. "I'm ready to talk now," she said. She sat up and propped herself up on her arms. In response, he immediately set his business phone down on the coffee table and gave her his full attention.

"About what happened today?" He confirmed. She nodded. Her head pulled back and rested against the back of the sofa. "Wait, come here." he lowly gestured. His legs were slightly spread and his body leaned back in a relaxing manner. His eyes watched her every move as she manoeuvred herself off the couch. Her stride to the loveseat wasn't completely confident but he extended his arms to her.

She took the cuddle offer and got close when she sat down. His arms rested around her and she began to talk. "I was pregnant," she mumbled. "That wasn't a lie. I was two months along when we graduated. I was scared as shit to tell you because we were young."

Levi looked slightly tense but sombre about the situation. He adored Y/N. He listened intently to her, but also couldn't resist asking some questions. "Is that why I recall you being distant?" he asked. They say in a position where Levi had full access to her stomach. His had crawled its way there and he rested it there.

"Probably," she flinched at him for a second but he didn't pull away. Having her back in his life reminded him of weird habits she'd have. The flinch was one. She softened to his touch instantly after it and eased up. "I felt so... alone. Like it was my fault, I was a failure."

He didn't comment he just observed.

"I never told anyone," She claimed. "But I guess my parents got word of it. They sent people to get me, and you know the rest. I didn't know why until they drove me to the abortion clinic with forged papers and it was all done with."

"So it wasn't a ...personal thing?" He questioned. It wasn't, obviously. Y/N shook her head in a 'no' motion. "So where did Pieck get all that from."

"When I first met her," Y/N began with a hefty sigh. "She asked why I came to France of all places. I told her I lived in Geneva up until I was pregnant but had to go back to the US. She started asking too many questions about it so I limited the pregnancy to something I didn't want so I had to go. We just met I didn't want her to know all of that."

"I understand," he said. The back of his hand came up to his head. Although it didn't help his headache, he felt like it did. They sat in silence for a couple minutes. He spoke up once again."I still can't believe you were going to have my child... I wouldn't want that from anyone but you." She knew it was the truth because his hand still rested on her stomach and he caressed it like she was still with child. "God. Y/N. I missed you so bad. I'm sorry for doing that to you. Maybe if I'd wrapped up that one time I'd have had you for those years."

His apology stunned her. It was both of their doing. Not just his. She manoeuvred so that she'd face him. She'd ended up on his lap looking into his eyes. "It wasn't your fault. I wish I'd told you earlier instead of keeping it a secret for that day. I didn't even get to tell you that night. I was livid."

"Can I be vulnerable?" He asked. This was a question he used only for Y/N and his mother. Saying this felt like a wave of relief. He hadn't said it since he was about 20 years old. That was to his mom. Y/N nodded and was going to get up off his lap but he pulled her back in. He tightened his grip slightly so his head fell firm on her chest and she sat there hugging him while on his lap. "I would've wanted the baby. I know that we were young, but I know I would've wanted it for us." He said against her chest.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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