Chapter Two

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  Unlike what happened at school I woke up at 2:30 pm .

I head towards the living room , where you barely hear your own voice because Lux was watching a 'SpongeBob SquarePants ' episode on the TV and it would be less enjoyable if she just lowered the volume while mom was watching her weird program, that discusses different unrelated subjects everyday , on the laptop not to forget her loud voice commenting about every single video they view "He deserved it, I don't even see why we should show sympathy " she shouted at her laptop .

Dad was only reading the newspaper , which is a miracle to me that he still has the ability to read with all these noises around, so he is the first to notice my presence.

"How was your day?" he asks smiling as usual. What should I say? should I say "I went to school and the headmaster announced a student's death then I received a tiny letter on the table telling me to find out about the murderer and other students were crying and few of them passed out so, classes were cancelled and here I am trying to decide what to do in my life "? That doesn't sound like an answer to a question like that, anyway. "Good" I finally reply.

"Tiring , I think, you had to hit the sack" he said returning back to his newspaper with his usual smile. If 'tiring' means scared as hell because I don't understand anything then dad's right.

"You arrived early?!" said mum , closing her laptop.

"Classes were cancelled" I reply waiting for her question but she simply said "I heard about Sasha" in a tone that sounded like talking about the most normal thing in the world.

"Really?" I say ,surprisingly, because she sounds like she didn't.

"Yeah" she answers simply.

Is she normal? Isn't she a mother? It seems that she didn't even bother herself and share such news with dad !! I just wanted to ask her if she's alright but I concluded that talking about Sasha's death with mum is totally useless. So, I made a mental note to myself not to share any news with her. She's blinded with hatred .A memory of mom as a 6-year-old girl who had the guts to kill her pet crossess my mind so I couldn't bear talking to her at the moment

Music is ear-splitting as it was the end of the episode so now it was Lux's turn to welcome me -_- "Hey "she says innocently so I couldn't resist but give her a kiss on the cheek "How are you, dude?" she says trying to imitate me and Jessie so I smile at her

I enter my bedroom that looks like heaven now compared to all the noises out there. I keep the lights turned off, close the curtains and lie on the bed for few minutes.

I heard my cell phone ringing .It's Jessie.

"Hey" I start.

"How are you feeling , now? Still mad?" she asks nicely

"No ,I'm ok" I say trying to sound as ok as possible

"You don't want me to ask you about the paper , right?" she says

OH!! The paper. she reminded me again and terror pulsated through my veins.

"Jessie, it's really nothing' I say and the other side is silent so I realized that she was , seriously , waiting for a real explanation . I surrender to her curiosity with a sickening feeling at the bottom of my gut and finally tell her all about it.

"Are you serious?" she asks and that was the unexpected thing to her because that means she may think that I'm just out of my mind because of my astonishment or maybe she thinks I just watch thriller and horror movies too much.That's why I didn't want to tell anyone about it.

"I can still tell the difference between movies and reality, you know" I answer blaming her for asking such a question

"I didn't mean that. What are you going to do, anyway?. If that really happened then I don't think it's a joke , nobody was in the mood to do so" she says , and I am about to go mad again.

If that really happened !

She still thinks it's uncertain, maybe concerning that subject, Jessie herself can be as useless as mum.

"I don't know but hey ,what did I miss? Surely, you knew other things while I was asleep 'as Mrs. Green wanted' "

"C'mon, Ash. Forget that. And Yes, Becky overheard Mr. Gordon and Mrs. Green talking about the murder in his office" she starts .

"And?" I ask impatiently

"Well, Sasha's body was found in an old place that ,they think ,was once an old garage . The place has nothing at all related to security and there are not many houses around ,that's why it was a piece of cake to hide a stiff there. What's really scary is that this very garage is few miles away, Ash" she explains.

"Becky was about to hear more but Mr. Gordon closed the door" she adds.

"But why do you ask? I mean, surely, the cops are there and you aren't going there , are you? " she finally asks as to remind me that she still has the ability to read my mind.She knows me too well.

"I won't force you to come" I say

"You already made up your mind, dude?" She says, surprisingly . Even though she expected I would have plans to go there , she didn't expect that I would make up my mind really fast

"Yes, are you coming or not?" I ask.

"Is that a question?" she says .

"Great " I say , feeling a slight excitement . I know she doesn't want to go there but she feels like she mustn't leave me alone.

"I'll call you when everything is planned" I hang up.

I check my cell phone one last time and there are 3 unread messages .It's Josh. Josh is an old friend .We used to go to the same school but he moved two years ago. We are still in touch , though.

"Hey! How's life ,mate ? I bought a new Taylor Swift CD n I'm keepin it beside my Evanescence CD's :P" He also sent me a photo of his CD's.

That left a wide smile on my face.He knows about some of my favorite artists.

What made us best friends since I was 12 ,was our endless love to music , we even like the same artists and the same very songs.

"You should know I also have dozens of them :P " I replied.

That's our way of keeping in touch . We just tease each other.

His presence with his funny jokes and relieving words are one of the few reasons that keeps me from committing a suicide .

I imagine what he would have done if he heard about Sasha's murder and the paper that I found.

That brings back one of our childish memories when I was little and my dog died. I didn't stop crying .

Although mom just said that it was stupid to cry for a dog , he understood and said "Ash, the ones that really love us , never really leave us" and he winked cause we both knew he quoted Sirius Black from Harry Potter. 

It is our absolute favorite series of all time .We both grew up with that legend and these word relieved me,then.

I suddenly remember Sasha and send Jessie a message "One last question, how did they find her body??" I can't believe that we are already talking about her body.

I can't face that Sasha Foster is really murdered. Tears stream down my face as I'm alone now. I suddenly feel like I need Jessie and Josh.

I surf the internet but as the browser loaded I find 'How to send anonymous messages' on my 'latest searches' list.

I wondered who used my mobile phone .

First ,I asked mom because sometimes she uses it "Did you use my phone yesterday?"

When I asked dad he just teased me in his familiar jokey tone and said why he would use mine  when his phone is 100 times better but I couldn't even smile because I don't know who used my damn phone.

I was out of my mind that I asked Lux but she cried and swore that when she even opened the door yesterday I yelled at her so she didn't have the chance to touch it and I believe her.

Suddenly I receive a message ,it was Jessie's reply to my previous one.

"Her parents received an anonymous message" That's all what she said


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