Chapter Seventeen

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            I've never expected that I'd ever walk in that place and see Brad!

          "Well, Hayley has never had the guts to tell you anything but--" he inhales and something about his voice makes me feel like he's acting. I mean his face is never that innocent and his voice isn't that quiet or sympathetic."She's been concealing it, she tried to tell you that everything you see isn't always what it seems, that you misunderstood but you just turned the truth upside-down and suspected her, you accused her. How on earth could someone suspect Hayley Robinson?!!" He exclaimed and acted like he couldn't contain his surprise.

"What are you doing here?" I asked sharply

"Following your traces. I do that everyday,you know. Cleaning up the mess you make" he explained, pointing at me.

The mess I make?!! What does that mean?  I think to myself. I stare around insanely trying to understand.

"What are you talking about ?" I asked.

"It's really hard to explain it and I never wanted to be the one who explains it, I never even thought that I would be the one who explains this. We shut our mouths about it cause we thought it'd be better for you but you just kept searching and thinking, causing troubles to the others, specially, poor Hayley so, I'm doing what's best for us all"he said.

I fall down and lie on the cold hard ground, I've been waiting for this moment, the moment when I finally hear the whole truth and understand the whole situation but when it's finally coming out of Brad's mouth my mind doesn't understand it or my mind just pretends that it doesn't understand but I sort of figured it out it's just that I can't believe it.

"Brad, who do you mean by 'we' ?And who.... killed...who killed Sasha?!" I ask him but I get no reply, I can't see the flashlight anymore and I can't feel his presence or hear his footsteps. He left!

          "NO" I scream. I was about to understand, I was about to find out who was a friend and who was a foe, I was about to put the last piece and complete the puzzle, I was about to take a better look at the complete picture but he just left. Why has understanding suddenly become something hard to reach?!! The problem now is that I don't even know in the first place if what happened is real or not.

         I am shivering and my legs are trembling, I don't really know if it's because of fear, hunger or weakness. I'm in the worst conditions I can ever be in. My legs are trembling, my whole body is shivering,my throat is dry, my stomach is rumbling, I need to sleep and my eyelids are barely opened. I try to return home but my body can't support me. I finally decide to call him but there's no signal. I crawl out of that dark road till I can get a signal and text him,the only person I could think of,Josh. The one who didn't leave me confused trying to know if he is good or bad. The one who truly knows me and had me memorized for years. The only one who can explain how I feel when I can't and who knows what I'm capable of even if I don't know myself.

          I've waited for him and he arrived earlier than I had expected. I saw the car lights approaching from far away and they got bigger and bigger till the orange color filled the view and penetrated my eyeballs that I had to squeeze my eyes hard before they get burnt. It's him, I can see him clearly but apparently he can't see me as he's looking around and searching. I tried to call him but my voice didn't support me and as I tried to walk up to him I felt arms dragging me on the cold ground.

Author's Note: Leave your comments, guys and tell me what you think :) Don't forget to vote, it really helps :)

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