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chapter six, confrontation

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chapter six, confrontation

   THE CAST OF MOULIN ROUGE KNEW ABOUT ROSE AND ARRON. They also knew about the looks the two would give one another, even if Rose and Aaron weren't aware of it themselves. After months of torture, seeing Aaron and Rose act like they hated each other but give longing looks when the other wasn't looking, the cast had enough. So, they all sent Robyn and Ricky to talk some sense into their cast-mates.

Of course, Ricky was happy to intrude and tell Aaron what he knew. Robyn, however, was a bit reluctant. But, in the end, Ricky persuaded the blonde.

Both made a plan, before the show, instead of Ricky doing his usual livestream, he would talk to Aaron. During intermission, Robyn would go to Roses room and talk to her then. It was a good enough plan, so that neither would dwell on it at the exact same time, right before or after the show.

So, as Aaron got ready, he noticed an already dressed Ricky stalking outside his door.



"You need something?" Aaron asked his friend with a chuckled, which caused Ricky to walk right in Aaron's dressing room.

"Actually yes, I want to talk to you about something," Ricky grinned, knowing exactly what Aaron's response would be.

"And what's that?"


Aaron couldn't help but roll his eyes, going back on his phone. Ricky snatched Aarons phone out his hands, causing Aaron to groan. "What about her?"

"Oh, I don't know, just that you're, you know, in love with her."

"What. Ew, Ricky no." Aaron said, a disgusted facial expression on his face. Aaron reached to grab his phone, but Ricky tutted at him.

"You're a great actor, mate, but you're a horrible liar." Ricky grinned, causing Aaron to roll his eyes once more.

"You can't lie about something that's not true."

"Dude, I've seen the way you look at her when she's not looking. It's okay, you can say it, you like her."

"I don't."

"Oh, but you do." Ricky said, patting Aaron's back as he left the room. Ricky walked to the group of ensemble members to inform them what had just happened.

"So he's still denying it?" Robyn asked, walking up behind Ricky, Amber and Ashley in tow. Ricky nodded his head, causing many people to groan.

"Well, hopefully Rose realizes, I can't keep watching them stare at each other." Amber joked, crossing her arms.

"Are you guys starting a cult?" Rose questioned as she walked past, her hat in her hand. The group stared at her, wondering if she had heard.

"Yeah, wanna join?" Amber joked, grinning at Rose as she followed the girl back to her dressing room.

Before they knew it, the show had started and it was now intermission. So, it was time to talk to Rose.

Instead of pacing back and fourth in front of Roses room, like Ricky had done, Robyn just walked right in.

"Alright, we gotta talk kiddo."

"Robyn, you're literally only ten years older than me." Rose joked, watching as the blonde sat herself next to Rose. "But, what about?"


"I'd rather not, he might appear," Rose shuddered her shoulders, a fake look of fear on her face. Rose quickly touched up her makeup, expecting Robyn to switch the topic.

"Okay but, just admit something for me."


"You're in love," Robyn nudged Roses shoulder, causing the girl to send a joking glare at the older woman.

"I am not."

"I don't believe you," Robyn grinned, causing Rose to roll her eyes. Rose got up, bringing Robyn with her. Rose quickly pushed Robyn out of the door.

"Well you should, now go, I gotta change." Rose shut the door, completely forgetting to lock the door. Rose quickly got out of her costumes, grabbing her new one in her hands.

"Hey Rosie, during-" Aaron opened the door, causing Rose to quickly cover her half-naked body, yelling at Aaron to get out.

"Shit, sorry!" Aaron quickly shut the door, a blush on his face. Luckily, no cast member was around to see the awkward interaction. Aaron didn't feel like staying around after that, so he decided that he would just tell her tomorrow. Quickly, he left to go back to his dressing room.

Rose blushed in embarrassment, and once she was fully clothed, she opened her door to speak with Aaron. But he wasn't there. Roses face twisted with confusion, but before she could find him the intercom tuned on, saying they needed to be in places.

So, Rose quickly put her heels on, running upstairs before she missed her cue. Her blush, unfortunately, was still evident on her cheeks, and it only deepened once Aaron walked backstage after he opened Act 2.

The two completely ignored each other and the awkward tension that suffocated the air around them. They couldn't speak of this, ever. That was a silent agreement.

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