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chapter seven, Chantelle

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chapter seven, Chantelle.

ROSE SEYMOUR LOVED HER FRIENDS, that wasn't a secret. Every weekend since she was little Rose, Kara, Scarlett and Marilyn would go to lunch. It was more of a catch up now, than hanging out. Due to Roses busy schedule, there were times where she couldn't just call her friends and fill them in on her life, she'd be far too tired for that.

Today, however, wasn't one of those days. The girls, fortunately, had been able to speak with one another throughout the week. So, nothing was really new.

Rose arrived at the diner just as Kara and Scarlett were sat. She quickly made her way over to the girls, smiling at them brightly.

"Hey!" Rose greeted, sitting down opposite to the girls. The three quickly engaged into a conversation but soon were interrupted by Marilyn racing over to them.

"Do you guys know anything about a Chantelle Simmons?" Madilyn questioned, mainly looking at Rose. The other three nodded their heads no, their faces twisting in confusion.

"Okay, well apparently she's a really unknown stage and tv actress, but she's not that good, so she sleeps with more popular actors to gain popularity." Marilyn explains, taking a sip of Roses water.

"How do you know that?"

"Some of her old friends posted about her, and of course, I love gossip so I wanted to talk about it! Speaking of, I'm really surprised you don't know about her Rose." Madilyn, looking at the blonde.

"How so?"

"Yeah, there are rumors going around that she's eyeing Moulin Rouge. More specifically, Aaron." Rose rolled her eyes at the mention of the man she hates name. The other three girls eyed Rose down.

"Well, it's just gossip. I haven't heard anything about her."

"Why the sudden change in mood. Are you jealous?" Kara questioned, a shit-eating grin on her face. The other two girls laughed, Marilyn even went as far to nudge Rose.

"Why would I be jealous?"

"Because, someone else is interested in Aaron."

"Okay, and?" Rose asked her friends, an amused smile on her face.

"And she's pretty enough to get Aaron's attention if she wanted it," Marilyn explained, looking at Rose with a smile. Rose didn't know why, but as Marilyn said that she felt a rise of anger. But, it wasn't all anger, no, there was something else mixed up in there. What it was, Rose didn't know. Nor did she care to know.

"Just admit it, you're jealous that Aaron could ever think of that girl in a romantic way," Kara teased, raising her eyebrows at Rose.

"Absolutely not, and even then we don't know if she's his type. What does she look like?"

"Gorgeous, really. She's tall, blonde and she's got these big eyes. She's really pretty."

"Oh, so definitely his type."

"What do you mean?"

"You practically just described Rose, and as we know-" Scarlett was cut off by Rose flinging some food at her.

"I am not his type. He hates me."

"Hate is a strong word, maybe he's just scared of his undying love for you."

"I'm done talking to you three, for real this time," Rose joked. The table started laughing as this is not the only time Rose had said that sentence, she said it practically every time the four hung out.

The rest of the day as the group hung out, Rose was relentlessly teased about Aaron. And Rose couldn't help the slight flutter of her heart whenever his name was mentioned, where she would picture his big, stupid, beautiful smile. Or his punchable, sweet, handsome face....wait what? She couldn't be thinking like this. Truthfully, she didn't even realize that she was thinking about him in that way. She was too concentrated on her hatred for him.

short chapter but....oh well! Please,
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