Chapter Three

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At the H. Carl Moultrie Courthouse in the Northwest part of Washington DC in courtroom number 223 there was unfolding a rare first of it's kind event. The Superior Court of the District of Columbia currently had sixty one judges on its roster with the very latest and newest being the very first physically disabled one. The new baby judge to slip on the regal black robe over his designer suit was former successful and high ranking criminal defense attorney Lincoln Lewis Handel the Fifth. And as much as the man denied it he was incredibly nervous on this mind-blowing day in history.

" All rise ! ," the pot bellied middle aged White bailiff in the beige uniform and hard soled shoes barked out in the small cramped courtroom. And all those present did rise from their seats from the defense attorney to the US Attorney for the city to all the assorted onlookers. " Court is now in session! The honorable Judge Lincoln Lewis Handel is now presiding. "

All their eyes were swiftly directed towards a very arrogant sounding tap tap tap of his cane as L.L. made his way to the bench where he would sit with Sadie Dog trotting protectively by his side. People witnessing this moment didn't know who looked more serious: the man or the dog. L.L. seated himself on the bench and Sadie Dog settled down at his feet.

" Be seated! ," the baillif commanded. And they all sat even as L.L.'s court clerk Denise Forbes quickly stepped to his side on the bench and whispered in his ear ," Judge Handel, I don't want to disturb you, sir , but your husband's bookstore just called. "

L.L. moved his head towards the sound of her voice, his forehead furrowed with concern, as he asked," Michael? Is he alright? The children? "

Denise hesitated briefly before continuing on ," I'm not certain, sir. Your Honor, they just said your husband was being transported to George Washington University Hospital Center. I have a Uber coming for you. "

L.L. felt like something hard had just struck him in the chest. Michael.....

His reason for living.......


He said briskly to the waiting courtroom," I am sorry. We will have to postpone proceedings for the day. I have a family emergency. Thank you very much. I apologize for the inconvenience. Court shall return to order tomorrow morning. " Then he felt for his gavel and wrapped his now slightly trembling hand around it tightly. Then he banged it down once. " Court currently adjourned. Thank you. "

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